そのヨーロッパ普遍主義の代表例としてあげられているのが、(1)「野蛮」に対する干渉の権利(the right to intervene against barbarians)、(2)「オリエンタリズム」における本質主義的個別主義(essentialist particularism)、そして(3)科学的普遍主義(scientific universalism)です。
この本を私は少し前に読んでいましたが、今回、Pennycook (2001) Critical Applied Linguisticsの第三章の授業準備をしている時に、この本を併せて読めば面白いかと思い、ここにまとめました。以下は私が英語ブログに掲載した関連部分です。
Immanuel Wallerstein (2006 ) European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power (The New Press) may give you a good understanding of "central categories of Western thought (Pennycook 2001, p. 67)". What Wallerstein terms as "European universalism" (a case of oxymoron -- how can 'universalism' be a regional notion?) consists of three types:the right to intervene against barbarians; essentialist particularism and scientific universalism.
The publisher gives a brief synopsis.
In a short interview, Wallerstein himself summarizes the book as follows:
European universalism is used to justify imperialism, Western expansionism. Obviously, variants exist in sophisticated arguments. The first, the most brutal (as in Iraq today), consists in saying that the others are barbarians, whom we must tame. A second variant, a little more subtle, studied by Edward Said under the name of "Orientalism," claims that the others are different beings, fixed in their differences, to whom we must bring true civilization -- an argument that one finds in Samuel Huntington in particular. Lastly, a third type of argument is that of scientific truth to which one appeals to impose the Western point of view. And, as it so happens, this alleged scientific truth is held by the most powerful countries in the world!
There are some reviews, both positive and negative, of this book on the web.
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