
The Nature of Subject Matter (Chapter 14 of Democracy and Education)

[ この記事は、デューイ『民主主義と教育』(John. Dewey (1916) Democracy and Education. を読む授業のためのものです。目次ページはhttp://yanaseyosuke.blogspot.jp/2013/09/john-dewey-1916-democracy-and-education.htmlです。]

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第14章: 教育内容の特質
Chapter Fourteen: The Nature of Subject Matter

今回デューイを読んでいてふと思ったのは、"social" (社会的)を「一人ではできない」「一人では不可能な」などと柔らかく訳してみても面白いかなということです。今後も引き続き考えてゆきたいと思います。

1. 教師にとっての主題と学習者にとっての主題(Subject Matter of Educator and of Learner.)

■ 主題 (subject matter)の定義

⇒"Subject matter"は一般的な意味で使われている時は「主題」、教育の文脈で使われている時は「教育内容」と訳すことにした。後者に関しては、「教科内容」と訳すべきかとも思ったが、「教育方法」という用語と対をなす用語なので「教育内容」とした。

It consists of the facts observed, recalled, read, and talked about, and the ideas suggested, in course of a development of a situation having a purpose. (p. 173)



■ 教師の役割

The educator's part in the enterprise of education is to furnish the environment which stimulates responses and directs the learner's course. In last analysis, all that the educator can do is modify stimuli so that response will as surely as is possible result in the formation of desirable intellectual and emotional dispositions. (p. 174)



■ 学校の教育内容と、社会集団の習慣や理想は、かけ離れているように思えるが、それは異なる。

the bonds which connect the subject matter of school study with the habits and ideals of the social group are disguised and covered up. The ties are so loosened that it often appears as if there were none; as if subject matter existed simply as knowledge on its own independent behoof, and as if study were the mere act of mastering it for its own sake, irrespective of any social values. Since it is highly important for practical reasons to counter-act this tendency (See ante, p. 8) the chief purposes of our theoretical discussion are to make clear the connection which is so readily lost from sight, and to show in some detail the social content and function of the chief constituents of the course of study.(p. 175)





■ 教育内容は教師の観点と学習者の観点から考えられなければならないが、教師の観点からすると、教師がもつ教育内容の知識は、学習者がもつ知識をはるかに凌駕するものでなくてはならず、さらに、まだ未成熟な学習者の粗削りの活動の可能性が明らかになるような確固とした基準を提供できるものでなくてはならない。

The points need to be considered from the standpoint of instructor and of student. To the former, the significance of a knowledge of subject matter, going far beyond the present knowledge of pupils, is to supply definite standards and to reveal to him the possibilities of the crude activities of the immature. (p. 175)



■ 教科の題材は、伝承するのが望ましいと考えられる現代社会生活の意味へと、具体的かつ詳細に翻訳されなければならない。

(i) The material of school studies translates into concrete and detailed terms the meanings of current social life which it is desirable to transmit. (p. 175)



■ 教師は過去の知的遺産をもとにして、学習者の取り留めもない反応にも意味を見出し、その反応に必要な刺激を与えて、学習者の反応が発展するようにしなければならない。

(ii) A knowledge of the ideas which have been achieved in the past as the outcome of activity places the educator in a position to perceive the meaning of the seeming impulsive and aimless reactions of the young, and to provide the stimuli needed to direct them so that they will amount to something. (p. 175)




■ 教育内容を教育者の観点からしか見れず、学習者の観点から見ることができない教育者は失格

From the standpoint of the educator, in other words, the various studies represent working resources, available capital. Their remoteness from the experience of the young is not, however, seeming; it is real. The subject matter of the learner is not, therefore, it cannot be, identical with the formulated, the crystallized, and systematized subject matter of the adult; the material as found in books and in works of art, etc. The latter represents the possibilities of the former; not its existing state. It enters directly into the activities of the expert and the educator, not into that of the beginner, the learner. Failure to bear in mind the difference in subject matter from the respective standpoints of teacher and student is responsible for most of the mistakes made in the use of texts and other expressions of preexistent knowledge. (p. 176)


言い換えるなら、教育者の観点からすれば、さまざまな教科は、使える資源、入手可能な資本である。しかし、教育者が若者の経験から遠くはなれていることは、見かけ上のことではなく、本当のことである。学習者にとっての教育内容とは、大人にとって定式化され結晶化され体系化された教育内容 ―書籍や芸術作品などに見出される題材― と同じではないし、同じではありえない。大人にとっての教育内容とは、学習者にとっての教育内容の可能性を示すものであり、決して現状を示すものではない。それは専門家と教育者の活動には直に入ってくるが、初心者つまり学習者の活動に直に入ってくることはない。教育内容が教師と学習者のそれぞれの観点から見ると異なっているということを頭に入れそこねることにより、もっぱら、テクストや既存の知識を表現した他の教材の使い方を間違ってしまう。

■ 教師にとっての教育内容と学習者にとっての教育内容は、それぞれ見え方が違う

The teacher presents in actuality what the pupil represents only in posse. That is, the teacher already knows the things which the student is only learning. Hence the problem of the two is radically unlike. When engaged in the direct act of teaching, the instructor needs to have subject matter at his fingers' ends; his attention should be upon the attitude and response of the pupil. To understand the latter in its interplay with subject matter is his task, while the pupil's mind, naturally, should be not on itself but on the topic in hand. Or to state the same point in a somewhat different manner: the teacher should be occupied not with subject matter in itself but in its interaction with the pupils' present needs and capacities. (p. 176)






■ 教科内容だけに詳しい教師の弊害

Hence simple scholarship is not enough. In fact, there are certain features of scholarship or mastered subject matter --taken by itself --which get in the way of effective teaching unless the instructor's habitual attitude is one of concern with its interplay in the pupil's own experience.





■ 教師は教育内容と生徒の両方を熟知しなければならない

The problem of teaching is to keep the experience of the student moving in the direction of what the expert already knows. Hence the need that the teacher know both subject matter and the characteristic needs and capacities of the student. (p. 177)



2. 学習者の中での教育内容の発達 (The Development of Subject Matter in the Learner)

■ 教育内容が学習者の中で発達する三段階

It is possible, without doing violence to the facts, to mark off three fairly typical stages in the growth of subject matter in the experience of the learner. In its first estate, knowledge exists as the content of intelligent ability --power to do. This kind of subject matter, or known material, is expressed in familiarity or acquaintance with things. Then this material gradually is surcharged and deepened through communicated knowledge or information. Finally, it is enlarged and worked over into rationally or logically organized material -- that of the one who, relatively speaking, is expert in the subject. (p. 177)


最初に、知識は知的能力--何かを行う力--の内実として存在する。この種の教育内容(もしくは知るようになった題材)は、物事に親しみ慣れていることのうちに表現される。次に、題材は次第に、コミュニケーションされる知識や情報によって強められ深められる。最後に、題材は拡張され、合理的もしくは論理的に体系化された題材へと発展する --これは相対的に言っての話だが、その主題の専門家にとっての教育内容に相当する。


■ 人が最初に得る知識は、「どのようにして行うか」というハウツーの知識

The knowledge which comes first to persons, and that remains most deeply ingrained, is knowledge of how to do; how to walk, talk, read, write, skate, ride a bicycle, manage a machine, calculate, drive a horse, sell goods, manage people, and so on indefinitely. (p. 177)

■ この原初的な「どのようにして行うか」という知識が、過度に科学的な知識概念によって否定もしくは軽視されることにより、教育内容が学習者の欲求や目的から乖離し始める。

When education, under the influence of a scholastic conception of knowledge which ignores everything but scientifically formulated facts and truths, fails to recognize that primary or initial subject matter always exists as matter of an active doing, involving the use of the body and the handling of material, the subject matter of instruction is isolated from the needs and purposes of the learner, and so becomes just a something to be memorized and reproduced upon demand. (p. 178)



⇒とても卑近な言い方にしてしまうと、「わかってからできるようになるか」と「できるようになってから(もっと)わかるようになるか」とでは、デューイは後者の立場に立つ。だが、多くの教育者は前者の立場で、「まずわからせなければならない。しかもそのわからせる内容は科学的に定式化したものでなくてはならない」と考える --ちなみに私はこの対立を、言語学者が主催した言語教育に関するセミナーで強く感じた。当然、言語学者は前者の立場で、しかも教育内容を科学的厳密性を犠牲にして提示しなければならないことに対してとても抵抗を覚えていた。言語学という生業からすればそうなのだろうと思うが、実践の立場である私としては、そういったアプローチには違和感を覚えた。

■ 成すことによって学ぶ (learning by doing)

Recognition of the natural course of development, on the contrary, always sets out with situations which involve learning by doing. Arts and occupations form the initial stage of the curriculum, corresponding as they do to knowing how to go about the accomplishment of ends. (p. 178)


⇒有名な"learning by doing"ということばが出てきたが、ここで注意したいのは、このことばは、(1)心身二元論的な哲学への反論として出てきたこと、(2)その次の段階での知識の拡充や整理を否定しているわけではないこと、であろう。「とにかく、まあ、何かやらせておく」というのは著しく反知性的な態度であり、それをもってデューイ的な教育と呼ぶことはできないだろう。

■ 学術的な哲学およびそれに影響を受けた教育では、知識と行為能力の結びつきが失われ、知識とは行為とは離れた情報だとされているが、実践分野ではそのような知識観はとられていない。

Popular terms denoting knowledge have always retained the connection with ability in action lost by academic philosophies. ... Only in education, never in the life of farmer, sailor, merchant, physician, or laboratory experimenter, does knowledge mean primarily a store of information aloof from doing. (p. 178)



■ こうして意図的・技術的に学ぶことだけが知識の始まりではないことを理解すると、人間は他人からも学ぶということが視野に入ってくる。

But it is likely that elaborate statements regarding this primary stage of knowledge will darken understanding. It includes practically all of our knowledge which is not the result of deliberate technical study. Modes of purposeful doing include dealings with persons as well as things. (p. 179)

■ 他人とのコミュニケーション、つまり語り語られることからも人は学ぶ。「ここからここまでが私の経験で、そこから向こうはあなたの経験」といった線引をすることは困難である。

Impulses of communication and habits of intercourse have to be adapted to maintaining successful connections with others; a large fund of social knowledge accrues. As a part of this intercommunication one learns much from others. They tell of their experiences and of the experiences which, in turn, have been told them. In so far as one is interested or concerned in these communications, their matter becomes a part of one's own experience. Active connections with others are such an intimate and vital part of our own concerns that it is impossible to draw sharp lines, such as would enable us to say, "Here my experience ends; there yours begins." In so far as we are partners in common undertakings, the things which others communicate to us as the consequences of their particular share in the enterprise blend at once into the experience resulting from our own special doings. (p. 179)




■ 教育内容が子どもの経験に即しているならば、それについてのコミュニケーションは自然に促される(逆に、コミュニケーションが生じないような内容ならば、それは教育的な内容ではないとも言える)。

The place of communication in personal doing supplies us with a criterion for estimating the value of informational material in school. Does it grow naturally out of some question with which the student is concerned? Does it fit into his more direct acquaintance so as to increase its efficacy and deepen its meaning -- If it meets these two requirements, it is educative. (pp. 179-180)




■ しかし言うは易く行うは難しで、特に情報量が増えている現代では、学習者に大量の情報を与えすぎて、学びから学習者を疎外してしまうことはよくある。

But it is not so easy to fulfill these requirements in actual practice as it is to lay them down in theory. The extension in modern times of the area of intercommunication; the invention of appliances for securing acquaintance with remote parts of the heavens and bygone events of history; the cheapening of devices, like printing, for recording and distributing information -- genuine and alleged -- have created an immense bulk of communicated subject matter. It is much easier to swamp a pupil with this than to work it into his direct experiences. All too frequently it forms another strange world which just overlies the world of personal acquaintance. The sole problem of the student is to learn, for school purposes, for purposes of recitations and promotions, the constituent parts of this strange world. Probably the most conspicuous connotation of the word knowledge for most persons to-day is just the body of facts and truths ascertained by others; the material found in the rows and rows of atlases, cyclopedias, histories, biographies, books of travel, scientific treatises, on the shelves of libraries. (p. 180)



http://yanaseyosuke.blogspot.com/2007/11/blog-post.html 梅田望夫(2008)『ウェブ時代5つの定理』文藝春秋
斎藤孝x梅田望夫(2008)『私塾のすすめ--ここから創造が生まれる』ちくま新書 http://yanaseyosuke.blogspot.com/2008/05/x.html
梅田望夫・飯吉透(2010)『ウェブで学ぶ ―オープンエデュケーションと知の革命』ちくま新書



■ 銀行的知識観:知識とは言明もしくは命題であり、それは人間に貯えられる。

The imposing stupendous bulk of this material has unconsciously influenced men's notions of the nature of knowledge itself. The statements, the propositions, in which knowledge, the issue of active concern with problems, is deposited, are taken to be themselves knowledge. The record of knowledge, independent of its place as an outcome of inquiry and a resource in further inquiry, is taken to be knowledge. (p. 180)

Paulo Freire (1970) Pedagogy of the Opressed

■ 知識とは命題であるという知識観が論理学者や哲学者によって強化されると、「学習指導要領」は、情報ごとに教科に分けられ、それぞれの教科はそれぞれの時間に分けられ、点数化されるとなる。

If this identification of knowledge with propositions stating information has fastened itself upon logicians and philosophers, it is not surprising that the same ideal has almost dominated instruction. The "course of study" consists largely of information distributed into various branches of study, each study being subdivided into lessons presenting in serial cutoff portions of the total store. (p. 180)





■ 情報は、ことばとして大切なのではなく、それが問題解決のために使われる手段として大切。

To be informed is to be posted; it is to have at command the subject matter needed for an effective dealing with a problem, and for giving added significance to the search for solution and to the solution itself. Informational knowledge is the material which can be fallen back upon as given, settled, established, assured in a doubtful situation. It is a kind of bridge for mind in its passage from doubt to discovery. (p. 181)

⇒翻訳 ("posted"の"post"は、"to appoint to a post of command"の意味だと理解した)


3. 科学あるいは合理化された知識 (Science or Rationalized Knowledge)

■ 科学とはどんな知識か

Science is a name for knowledge in its most characteristic form. It represents in its degree, the perfected outcome of learning,--its consummation. What is known, in a given case, is what is sure, certain, settled, disposed of; that which we think with rather than that which we think about. In its honorable sense, knowledge is distinguished from opinion, guesswork, speculation, and mere tradition. In knowledge, things are ascertained; they are so and not dubiously otherwise. (p. 182)


科学とは、もっとも知識らしい知識に与えられた名称である。科学は、程度に応じてのことではあるが、学習成果のすべて -- 学習の成就を意味している。ある一定の事例に対しての知識とは、確実で確かで安定した処理済みのものであり、私たちが思考の対象とするものではなく、思考の道具とするものである。ことばの良い意味で、知識は、意見や推測や思案あるいは単なる伝統とは区別されるものである。知識において、物事は確証されている。それはまさに確証的なのであり、そうでない疑わしいものではない。








■ 主題について知的な確実性を得ることと、私たちが信じたいがままに信じてしまうことはまったく異なる。

But experience makes us aware that there is difference between intellectual certainty of subject matter and our certainty. We are made, so to speak, for belief; credulity is natural. The undisciplined mind is averse to suspense and intellectual hesitation; it is prone to assertion. It likes things undisturbed, settled, and treats them as such without due warrant. (p. 182)


■ 私たちは、物事がまあまあうまくいくと、自分の思い込みでいいと思ってしまうし、物事に失敗しても、その原因は自分の思考とデータにあるとは考えずに運や周りの状況が悪いからと考えてしまう。

We are satisfied with superficial and immediate short-visioned applications. If these work out with moderate satisfactoriness, we are content to suppose that our assumptions have been confirmed. Even in the case of failure, we are inclined to put the blame not on the inadequacy and incorrectness of our data and thoughts, but upon our hard luck and the hostility of circumstance. (p. 182)



■ 科学と人類

Science represents the safeguard of the race against these natural propensities and the evils which flow from them. It consists of the special appliances and methods which the race has slowly worked out in order to conduct reflection under conditions whereby its procedures and results are tested. It is artificial (an acquired art), not spontaneous; learned, not native. To this fact is due the unique, the invaluable place of science in education, and also the dangers which threaten its right use. Without initiation into the scientific spirit one is not in possession of the best tools which humanity has so far devised for effectively directed reflection. (pp. 182-183)




■ しかし科学が、それ自体で成立する切り離された知識として考えられ始めると、科学は既成の知識であり、私たちが自ら経験と思考の中で獲得すべき知識ではないと思われる危険性がある。

On the other hand, the fact that science marks the perfecting of knowing in highly specialized conditions of technique renders its results, taken by themselves, remote from ordinary experience -- a quality of aloofness that is popularly designated by the term abstract. When this isolation appears in instruction, scientific information is even more exposed to the dangers attendant upon presenting ready-made subject matter than are other forms of information. (p. 183)

⇒デューイは「○○である。しかし△△。とはいえ××。」と論を二転三転させているようだが、このような反転がないと、現実は捉えられないと言えるだろう。これ自体単純すぎる主張になってしまうという矛盾をおかしてしまうが、単純すぎる主張には気をつけよう ――私たちは複雑な現実の中での真実に近い表現を探ろうとすると、矛盾表現を必要とするのかもしれないーー。

■ 理想の科学体系とは、それぞれの知識がそれぞれを支え合う論理的で合理的なもの。

The ideal of scientific organization is, therefore, that every conception and statement shall be of such a kind as to follow from others and to lead to others. Conceptions and propositions mutually imply and support one another. This double relation of "leading to and confirming" is what is meant by the terms logical and rational. (pp. 183-184)


私はきちんとした科学の訓練を受けているわけではないかが(要は、口先だけのエセ文化人ということ)、ハイゼンベルクの不確定性原理 (1927年)やゲーテルの不完全性定理 (1930年)や20世紀後半のカオス理論脱構築を受けて、上記のような単純な科学の理想を簡単には信じがたい(てか、話を思いっきり卑近なものにすれば、原発って絶対安全じゃなかったの?)



4. 教育内容の社会性 (Subject Matter as Social)

■ 教育内容の選択には社会全体で考える暮らしの観点が必要

The scheme of a curriculum must take account of the adaptation of studies to the needs of the existing community life; it must select with the intention of improving the life we live in common so that the future shall be better than the past. (p. 185)



■ 教育とはまず人間に関するものでなくてはならない。教育が専門的になるのはその次である

Moreover, the curriculum must be planned with reference to placing essentials first, and refinements second. The things which are socially most fundamental, that is, which have to do with the experiences in which the widest groups share, are the essentials. The things which represent the needs of specialized groups and technical pursuits are secondary. There is truth in the saying that education must first be human and only after that professional. (p. 185)




■ 教育と民主主義の関係

Democratic society is peculiarly dependent for its maintenance upon the use in forming a course of study of criteria which are broadly human. Democracy cannot flourish where the chief influences in selecting subject matter of instruction are utilitarian ends narrowly conceived for the masses, and, for the higher education of the few, the traditions of a specialized cultivated class. (p. 185)





今、どんどん政治権力が教育を利用しようとしている。そうではなく教育、すなわち人間的な成長で結ばれた人々の権力 ―それは特に世論や選挙で示される― が政治を動かさなければならない。

この冬、私は心身の調子を崩していてブログ記事も書けなかったけど、特定秘密保護法の強行採決は、明らかにやり過ぎだった。教育者ももっと政治的 ―それは必ずしも党派的ということを意味しない― にならなくてはならない。いや、市民全員がならなければならない。

■ カリキュラムは、私たちすべてが暮らしを共にするために作られねばならない。

A curriculum which acknowledges the social responsibilities of education must present situations where problems are relevant to the problems of living together, and where observation and information are calculated to develop social insight and interest. (p. 186)





The subject matter of education consists primarily of the meanings which supply content to existing social life. The continuity of social life means that many of these meanings are contributed to present activity by past collective experience. As social life grows more complex, these factors increase in number and import. There is need of special selection, formulation, and organization in order that they may be adequately transmitted to the new generation. But this very process tends to set up subject matter as something of value just by itself, apart from its function in promoting the realization of the meanings implied in the present experience of the immature. Especially is the educator exposed to the temptation to conceive his task in terms of the pupil's ability to appropriate and reproduce the subject matter in set statements, irrespective of its organization into his activities as a developing social member. The positive principle is maintained when the young begin with active occupations having a social origin and use, and proceed to a scientific insight in the materials and laws involved, through assimilating into their more direct experience the ideas and facts communicated by others who have had a larger experience.





"Democracy and Education"読解のためのブログ記事の目次ページ

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