
Aims in Education (Chapter 8 of Democracy and Education)

[この記事は、デューイ『民主主義と教育』(John. Dewey (1916) Democracy and Education. を読む授業のためのものです。目次ページはhttp://yanaseyosuke.blogspot.jp/2013/09/john-dewey-1916-democracy-and-education.htmlです。]

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第8章:教育における ねらい
(Chapter Eight: Aims in Education)

1. ねらいの性質 (The Nature of an Aim)

■ 教育のねらいとは、個々人が生涯にわたって教育を続けることであるが、そういった教育は、民主主義的な社会でのみ達成できる。

The account of education given in our earlier chapters virtually anticipated the results reached in a discussion of the purport of education in a democratic community. For it assumed that the aim of education is to enable individuals to continue their education -- or that the object and reward of learning is continued capacity for growth. Now this idea cannot be applied to all the members of a society except where intercourse of man with man is mutual, and except where there is adequate provision for the reconstruction of social habits and institutions by means of wide stimulation arising from equitably distributed interests. And this means a democratic society. (p. 96)


■ この章では、教育のねらいが内から生じる場合と、外から押し付けられる場合について比較検討する。

We are rather concerned with the contrast which exists when aims belong within the process in which they operate and when they are set up from without. And the latter state of affairs must obtain when social relationships are not equitably balanced. For in that case, some portions of the whole social group will find their aims determined by an external dictation; their aims will not arise from the free growth of their own experience, and their nominal aims will be means to more ulterior ends of others rather than truly their own. (p. 96)

⇒教育を、生命 (life) の内発的な成長から考えるデューイは、この章で、近年ますます横行している教育のねらいを、外から押し付けることについて徹底的に批判している。デューイに即して、現代の教育について批判的に考えたい ―もちろん、自ら下す批判に対しても批判的に考えたい。

■ 単なる「結果」 (result) と「到達点」 (end) は異なる。「結果」とは、単なる状態であり、そこでは前後のつながりの重要性が考えられていない。

Our first question is to define the nature of an aim so far as it falls within an activity, instead of being furnished from without. We approach the definition by a contrast of mere results with ends. Any exhibition of energy has results. The wind blows about the sands of the desert; the position of the grains is changed. Here is a result, an effect, but not an end. For there is nothing in the outcome which completes or fulfills what went before it. There is mere spatial redistribution. One state of affairs is just as good as any other. Consequently there is no basis upon which to select an earlier state of affairs as a beginning, a later as an end, and to consider what intervenes as a process of transformation and realization. (pp. 96-97)

⇒ "End"をここでは「到達点」と訳したが、「目標点」という訳語も考えられる。だが、いずれにせよ、"end"はまさにendであり、終結的・限定的な概念であると解釈している。ちなみに日本語では「目的」と「目標」がしばしば同義語として扱われるが、「数値目標」とは言っても「数値目的」とは言わないから、「目標」ということばの方が終結的・限定的な概念をもつと考えられる。

■ 子どもの行いが、教師や授業計画によって外から定められている時には、教育のねらいについて語ることはできない。他方、子どもが勝手気ままに前後見境なく行動している時にも教育のねらいについて語ることはできない。ねらいとは、順序と秩序のある活動がある時に語ることができるものである。

To talk about an educational aim when approximately each act of a pupil is dictated by the teacher, when the only order in the sequence of his acts is that which comes from the assignment of lessons and the giving of directions by another, is to talk nonsense. It is equally fatal to an aim to permit capricious or discontinuous action in the name of spontaneous self-expression. An aim implies an orderly and ordered activity, one in which the order consists in the progressive completing of a process. Given an activity having a time span and cumulative growth within the time succession, an aim means foresight in advance of the end or possible termination. (p. 97)

⇒ ここでの「ねらい」 (aim) は、第3章での「指導」 (direction) と関連した概念であるように思える。

Direction involves a focusing and fixating of action in order that it may be truly a response, and this requires an elimination of unnecessary and confusing movements. (p. 24)

■ 結果の見通し (foresight) がない時に教育のねらいについて語ることはできない。ねらい (aim) は、教育の活動に到達点 (end) と指導 (direction) を与える。

Hence it is nonsense to talk about the aim of education --or any other undertaking-- where conditions do not permit of foresight of results, and do not stimulate a person to look ahead to see what the outcome of a given activity is to be. In the next place the aim as a foreseen end gives direction to the activity; it is not an idle view of a mere spectator, but influences the steps taken to reach the end. (p. 98)


■ ねらいをもつということは、知性をもって行動するということ


結論をまとめると、ねらいをもって行うということは、知的に (intelligently) 行うということである。行いの終点 (terminus) を見通すということは、観察すること、選択すること、対象と私たちの対応力 (capacities) を秩序づけることの基盤をもつということである。これらのことを行うことは、知性 (mind) をもつということである。知性とは、まさに、事実と事実の関係性を知覚することによって制御される意図的で目的志向的 (intentional purposeful) な活動だからである。何かをしようという知性をもつということは、未来の可能性を見通すことである。達成しようとすることへの計画をもつことである。計画実行を可能にする手段と計画の障害になるものに気づくことである。もしくはこう言えるだろう。漠然としたやる気 (aspiration) ではない、本当の知性とは、何が助けとなり何が困難となるかを考慮する計画をもつということである。

The net conclusion is that acting with an aim is all one with acting intelligently. To foresee a terminus of an act is to have a basis upon which to observe, to select, and to order objects and our own capacities. To do these things means to have a mind -- for mind is precisely intentional purposeful activity controlled by perception of facts and their relationships to one another. To have a mind to do a thing is to foresee a future possibility; it is to have a plan for its accomplishment; it is to note the means which make the plan capable of execution and the obstructions in the way,-- or, if it is really a mind to do the thing and not a vague aspiration -- it is to have a plan which takes account of resources and difficulties. (p. 99)


■ 知性は、ねらいや目的と関連している。


知性とは、現在の状況を未来の結果につなげ、未来の帰結を現在の状況につなげる対応力である。これらの特性こそが、ねらい (aim) や目的 (purpose)をもつことの意味である。

Mind is capacity to refer present conditions to future results, and future consequences to present conditions. And these traits are just what is meant by having an aim or a purpose. (p. 99)

⇒"Purpose" は「目的」と訳したが、"aim" (「ねらい」と併記されている語であり、「目的」と「ねらい」のどちらも、「到達点」や「目標」ほど限定的ではない。



■ 感情 (feelings)で、次に何が起こるかを予期することは知性の欠如である。知的 (intelligent) であるとは、計画をたてるために「立ち止まり、よく見て、よく聞く」ことである。

A man is stupid or blind or unintelligent -- lacking in mind-- just in the degree in which in any activity he does not know what he is about, namely, the probable consequences of his acts. A man is imperfectly intelligent when he contents himself with looser guesses about the outcome than is needful, just taking a chance with his luck, or when he forms plans apart from study of the actual conditions, including his own capacities. Such relative absence of mind means to make our feelings the measure of what is to happen. To be intelligent we must "stop, look, listen" in making the plan of an activity. (p. 99)

⇒ここの知性・知的であることの定義には、正直、違和感を覚える。私はやはり「知る者は言わず、言う者は知らず」(老子)といった文化圏に育ち、武術といった文化に(まったくのオタク・素人ながら)接しているので、デューイのこの「知性・知的であること」についての断定には少しついていけない。感情 (feeling) や情動 (emotion) に従うことこそが深い意味での「知」であるとも考えているからである。

と、ここで私は武術オタクなので、定番のブルース・リー先生wの有名な "Don't think. Feel."の動画を貼り付けるのであった(笑)。

さらに悪乗り脱線・オタク的コジツケ解釈をすると、ブルース・リーは、単なる演武ではなく、実際に人を倒すことができる武術をするためには、"emotional content" (情動の中身)が必要と言っている。ここで彼は頭を指してこのことばを言っているが、台詞が"emotions" (情動)なら、全身を漠然と示すような手を胸の前にかざすような演技も可能だっただろう。ともあれ"emotional content" (情動の中身)とは、身体の隅々で生じているemotions(情動)が反映された脳の状態を指していると考えられる。

だがその"emotional content" とは"anger"といった、明確に対象や理由や主観などを有する概念的な情動ではなく、もっと漠然とした全身で感じるものである。

実際、彼はうまくやり終えた弟子に向かって"That's it. How did it feel to you?"と言っており、"How did you feel?"とは言っていない。あくまでも"emotional content"が動因であり、人称代名詞で表される主観 (subject) が動因ではない。

さらに、その問いかけに"Let me think."と応じた弟子をすぐさま叩き、"Don't think. Feel."と叱責するブルース・リーにとって、実際の敵を倒す武術の知とは、分析的な計画をもつことでもなく、「立ち止まり、よく見て、よく聞く」ことでもない。


ブルース・リーは動画でさらに、"Think"を月に向けた指にたとえ、"It is like a fingure pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger, or you'll miss all that heavenly glory."とも言っている。「考えること」に囚われてしまうと、大いなる知性は発揮できない、という意味とも解釈できる。



■ 意識は意図的・観察的・計画的、というデューイの定義


意識的である (to be conscious) ということは、私たちが関わっていること (what we are about) を自覚している (to be aware)ことである。意識とは、活動の意図的・観察的・計画的特性を意味する。意識 (consciousness)とは、周りの様子 (scene) をぼんやりと見つめていることではないし、物理的対象によって生じた印象をただもっていることでもない。意識とは、活動の目的的な性質を示す名称であり、活動がねらいによって指導されている事実を示す名称である。

To be conscious is to be aware of what we are about; conscious signifies the deliberate, observant, planning traits of activity. Consciousness is nothing which we have which gazes idly on the scene around one or which has impressions made upon it by physical things; it is a name for the purposeful quality of an activity, for the fact that it is directed by an aim. (p. 99)

⇒ここの「意識」の定義についても、私は違和感を覚える。というのも私は神経科学のダマシオやエーデルマンの意識論に依拠しており、そこでの"core consciousness"や"primary consciousness"は、上記のような特性を持っていないからだ。デューイは、ダマシオやエーデルマンなら"extended consciousness"や"higher-order consciousness"と表現する意識の側面のみをもっぱら「意識」と考えていたと思われる。

Emotions and Feelings according to Damasio (2003) "Looking for Spinoza"

"wider than the sky" by Gerald Edelman

2. よいねらいの基準 (The Criteria of Good Aims)

■ 基準 (1) 既存の条件に基づいたものでなくてはならない。

(1) The aim set up must be an outgrowth of existing conditions. It must be based upon a consideration of what is already going on; upon the resources and difficulties of the situation. (p. 100)


■ しかし、多くの教育理論はしばしば基準(1)に反している。

Theories about the proper end of our activities -- educational and moral theories -- often violate this principle. They assume ends lying outside our activities; ends foreign to the concrete makeup of the situation; ends which issue from some outside source. Then the problem is to bring our activities to bear upon the realization of these externally supplied ends. They are something for which we ought to act. In any case such "aims" limit intelligence; they are not the expression of mind in foresight, observation, and choice of the better among alternative possibilities. They limit intelligence because, given ready-made, they must be imposed by some authority external to intelligence, leaving to the latter nothing but a mechanical choice of means. (p. 100)


■ 基準 (2):ねらいはとりあえずのものであり、状況に合わせて柔軟に変更されなければならない。

(2) We have spoken as if aims could be completely formed prior to the attempt to realize them. This impression must now be qualified. The aim as it first emerges is a mere tentative sketch. The act of striving to realize it tests its worth. If it suffices to direct activity successfully, nothing more is required, since its whole function is to set a mark in advance; and at times a mere hint may suffice. But usually -- at least in complicated situations -- acting upon it brings to light conditions which had been overlooked. This calls for revision of the original aim; it has to be added to and subtracted from. An aim must, then, be flexible; it must be capable of alteration to meet circumstances. (p. 100)


■ 外から押し付けられるねらいの頑なさ



An end established externally to the process of action is always rigid. Being inserted or imposed from without, it is not supposed to have a working relationship to the concrete conditions of the situation. What happens in the course of action neither confirms, refutes, nor alters it. Such an end can only be insisted upon. The failure that results from its lack of adaptation is attributed simply to the perverseness of conditions, not to the fact that the end is not reasonable under the circumstances. (p. 100)


■ よいねらいとは、試行的で柔軟なもの



A good aim surveys the present state of experience of pupils, and forming a tentative plan of treatment, keeps the plan constantly in view and yet modifies it as conditions develop. The aim, in short, is experimental, and hence constantly growing as it is tested in action. (p. 101)


■ 基準 (3):ねらいは活動を自由にする

(3) The aim must always represent a freeing of activities. The term end in view is suggestive, for it puts before the mind the termination or conclusion of some process. The only way in which we can define an activity is by putting before ourselves the objects in which it terminates --as one's aim in shooting is the target. But we must remember that the object is only a mark or sign by which the mind specifies the activity one desires to carry out.


■ 兎狩りにおいても、到達点は兎そのものではなく、兎を撃つことである。もちろん、私達はねらいを定めるのに兎を対象にするが、銃の照準具も対象にする。これらの異なる対象を使って、私達は自ら行う活動を指導 (direct) する。

Strictly speaking, not the target but hitting the target is the end in view; one takes aim by means of the target, but also by the sight on the gun. The different objects which are thought of are means of directing the activity. Thus one aims at, say, a rabbit; what he wants is to shoot straight: a certain kind of activity. Or, if it is the rabbit he wants, it is not rabbit apart from his activity, but as a factor in activity; he wants to eat the rabbit, or to show it as evidence of his marksmanship -- he wants to do something with it. (p. 101) ⇒ねらいとしているのは、兎そのものではなく、兎狩りという活動である。

■ 対象そのものが到達点ではない。対象は、活動をうまく続けるために使われるだけである。



The doing with the thing, not the thing in isolation, is his end. The object is but a phase of the active end,-- continuing the activity successfully. This is what is meant by the phrase, used above, "freeing activity." (p. 101)

⇒例えば、これまで英語を勉強しても思うように英語が身につかなかった学習者が「英語が少しでも使えるようになる」というねらい (aim) を定めたとしよう。その際に、学習者は、これまで興味をもちながらも、漠然としか見ていなかったTED動画を100本見ることをとりあえずの到達点 (end) の一つとして設定するかもしれない。その到達点に到達するために学習者は、お薦めTED動画集サイトを英語の勉強の対象 (object)として定めるかもしれない。


■ 活動が続くための過程としての到達点と対照的なのは、活動の外から押し付けられた不動の到達点である。こういった到達点は固定的で、獲得し所有されるべきものとなる。

In contrast with fulfilling some process in order that activity may go on, stands the static character of an end which is imposed from without the activity. It is always conceived of as fixed; it is something to be attained and possessed. (p. 101)



■ 到達点が外から押し付けられる固定的なものとされると、活動が、活動以外の何か(=外から押し付けられた到達点)のために必要なものに過ぎないとされ、活動自身の意義や重要性が失われる。活動は到達点に達成するための必要悪となり、到達点や到達点に至る対象の方がそれで価値あるものとなってしまう。

When one has such a notion, activity is a mere unavoidable means to something else; it is not significant or important on its own account. As compared with the end it is but a necessary evil; something which must be gone through before one can reach the object which is alone worth while. (p. 101)


■ 手段はとりあえずの到達点であり、到達点はさらなる成長のための手段である。



In other words, the external idea of the aim leads to a separation of means from end, while an end which grows up within an activity as plan for its direction is always both ends and means, the distinction being only one of convenience. Every means is a temporary end until we have attained it. Every end becomes a means of carrying activity further as soon as it is achieved. We call it end when it marks off the future direction of the activity in which we are engaged; means when it marks off the present direction. Every divorce of end from means diminishes by that much the significance of the activity and tends to reduce it to a drudgery from which one would escape if he could. (pp. 101-102)


3. 教育への応用 (Applications in Education)

■ 農夫の仕事は、見通しをもって、さまざまな条件を活用すること。

There is nothing peculiar about educational aims. They are just like aims in any directed occupation. The educator, like the farmer, has certain things to do, certain resources with which to do, and certain obstacles with which to contend. The conditions with which the farmer deals, whether as obstacles or resources, have their own structure and operation independently of any purpose of his. Seeds sprout, rain falls, the sun shines, insects devour, blight comes, the seasons change. His aim is simply to utilize these various conditions; to make his activities and their energies work together, instead of against one another. It would be absurd if the farmer set up a purpose of farming, without any reference to these conditions of soil, climate, characteristic of plant growth, etc. His purpose is simply a foresight of the consequences of his energies connected with those of the things about him, a foresight used to direct his movements from day to day. Foresight of possible consequences leads to more careful and extensive observation of the nature and performances of the things he had to do with, and to laying out a plan -- that is, of a certain order in the acts to be performed. (p. 102)


■ 状況観察に基づく修正をしないねらいは有害無益



It is the same with the educator, whether parent or teacher. It is as absurd for the latter to set up his "own" aims as the proper objects of the growth of the children as it would be for the farmer to set up an ideal of farming irrespective of conditions. Aims mean acceptance of responsibility for the observations, anticipations, and arrangements required in carrying on a function -- whether farming or educating. Any aim is of value so far as it assists observation, choice, and planning in carrying on activity from moment to moment and hour to hour; if it gets in the way of the individual's own common sense (as it will surely do if imposed from without or accepted on authority) it does harm. (pp. 102-103)


■ ⇒ここも大切なので全訳。

教育そのものにはねらいがないことを思い出しておくべきだろう。人間、親、教師などだけがねらいをもつのであって、教育といった抽象的観念がねらいをもつわけではない。したがって人間がもつ目的の多様性は限りないものであり、子どもによっても異なるし、子どもの成長によっても、教える物の経験の成長によっても異なる。言語で表現されるもっとも妥当なねらいでさえ、言語である以上、その言語表現そのものは、ねらいではなく、教育者にどのように観察し、見通し、自分がいる具体的状況の力を解放し指導するための示唆 (suggestions)であるということを認識しないなら、有害無益となる。

And it is well to remind ourselves that education as such has no aims. Only persons, parents, and teachers, etc., have aims, not an abstract idea like education. And consequently their purposes are indefinitely varied, differing with different children, changing as children grow and with the growth of experience on the part of the one who teaches. Even the most valid aims which can be put in words will, as words, do more harm than good unless one recognizes that they are not aims, but rather suggestions to educators as to how to observe, how to look ahead, and how to choose in liberating and directing the energies of the concrete situations in which they find themselves. (p. 103)




追記 (2013/10/29)




■ よい教育上のねらいの特徴 (1)


(1) An educational aim must be founded upon the intrinsic activities and needs (including original instincts and acquired habits) of the given individual to be educated. (p. 103)


■ よい教育上のねらいの特徴 (2)

全訳:ねらいは、教示を受ける子どもの活動といかに協力関係を結べるかという方法に翻訳できなければならない。ねらいは、子どもの対応力を解放し結びつける (organize) ために必要な種類の環境を示さなければならない。

(2) An aim must be capable of translation into a method of cooperating with the activities of those undergoing instruction. It must suggest the kind of environment needed to liberate and to organize their capacities. (p. 104)


■ 外からねらいを押し付けると、教師と子どもの知性が抑圧される。

The vice of externally imposed ends has deep roots. Teachers receive them from superior authorities; these authorities accept them from what is current in the community. The teachers impose them upon children. As a first consequence, the intelligence of the teacher is not free; it is confined to receiving the aims laid down from above. Too rarely is the individual teacher so free from the dictation of authoritative supervisor, textbook on methods, prescribed course of study, etc., that he can let his mind come to close quarters with the pupil's mind and the subject matter. This distrust of the teacher's experience is then reflected in lack of confidence in the responses of pupils. The latter receive their aims through a double or treble external imposition, and are constantly confused by the conflict between the aims which are natural to their own experience at the time and those in which they are taught to acquiesce. (pp. 104-105)


■ 一人ひとりの「生きること」を認め合う民主主義の文化が教育には必要


Until the democratic criterion of the intrinsic significance of every growing experience is recognized, we shall be intellectually confused by the demand for adaptation to external aims. (p. 105)

⇒「民主的? 何言っているんですか?会社ならトップダウンの決定に従うのが当たり前でしょう!」ということばが、教育現場での教師の語り合いや認め合いを止める決め台詞になっていないか。一人ひとりの違いを認めながら、社会全体として「よい」方向を示すという民主主義の文化は、教育の現場でこそ重要だが、それがまず教師集団において抑圧・否定され、それが子どもへの抑圧や否定につながっていないか。


■ よい教育上のねらいの特徴 (2)

(3) Educators have to be on their guard against ends that are alleged to be general and ultimate. Every activity, however specific, is, of course, general in its ramified connections, for it leads out indefinitely into other things. So far as a general idea makes us more alive to these connections, it cannot be too general. But "general" also means "abstract," or detached from all specific context. And such abstractness means remoteness, and throws us back, once more, upon teaching and learning as mere means of getting ready for an end disconnected from the means. (p. 105)


■ 真の意味で一般的なねらいとは、見通しを広げ、より多くのつながりを考慮に入れるもの。

That education is literally and all the time its own reward means that no alleged study or discipline is educative unless it is worth while in its own immediate having. A truly general aim broadens the outlook; it stimulates one to take more consequences (connections) into account. This means a wider and more flexible observation of means. (p. 105)


■ 良い意味での一般性をもった到達点が複数掲げられ、さまざまな問いと観察が促進される状況が望ましい。

Or, putting the matter in a slightly different way, one statement of an end may suggest certain questions and observations, and another statement another set of questions, calling for other observations. Then the more general ends we have, the better. One statement will emphasize what another slurs over. What a plurality of hypotheses does for the scientific investigator, a plurality of stated aims may do for the instructor. (p. 106)

⇒デューイはここも民主主義的文化の重要性を強調している。そして、民主主義的文化で重要なのは多元性 (plurality)である。

要約 (Summary)

An aim denotes the result of any natural process brought to consciousness and made a factor in determining present observation and choice of ways of acting. It signifies that an activity has become intelligent. Specifically it means foresight of the alternative consequences attendant upon acting in a given situation in different ways, and the use of what is anticipated to direct observation and experiment. A true aim is thus opposed at every point to an aim which is imposed upon a process of action from without. The latter is fixed and rigid; it is not a stimulus to intelligence in the given situation, but is an externally dictated order to do such and such things. Instead of connecting directly with present activities, it is remote, divorced from the means by which it is to be reached. Instead of suggesting a freer and better balanced activity, it is a limit set to activity. In education, the currency of these externally imposed aims is responsible for the emphasis put upon the notion of preparation for a remote future and for rendering the work of both teacher and pupil mechanical and slavish.




"Democracy and Education"読解のためのブログ記事の目次ページ

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