
Dwight Atkinson先生が5/23(金)に広島大学で講演: Learning and Teaching Language from a Sociocognitive Viewpoint

きたる5月23日にsecond language acquisitionのsociocognitive approachの第一人者であり、Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisitionの編著者でもあるDwight Atkinson先生が広島大学で講演をなさいます。

日程: 2014年5月23日(金)

場所: 広島大学教育学部第一会議室(場所は変更するかもしれませんのでご注意ください)

参加費: 講演・自由討議は無料。茶話会(希望者のみ)は茶菓代として200円。

16:30-17:20 講演
17:20-17:30 休憩
17:30-18:10 自由討議(Atkinson先生と参加者の間で)
18:10-18:20 休憩
18:20-19:00 茶話会 (コーヒーとお菓子あり。当日200円徴収させていただきます)
講師: Dwight Atkinson (Purdue University)
Dwight Atkinson teaches at Purdue University, where he is an associate professor of English. His academic interests are in second language learning and teaching, culture, and writing. He spent 12 years living and teaching in Japan, most recently at Temple University Japan. Living in Japan has been one of the most meaningful experiences in his life. He has also spent a year and a half doing research in India.
演題: Learning and Teaching Language from a Sociocognitive Viewpoint

Second language acquisition has often been treated as a "lonely" cognitive process: input comes in, is processed, and results in output. The mind is a computer in this view.

I present an alternative view of cognition and second language learning--as designed for and intimately tuned to social action. Like all nervous systems, the human nervous system is designed to enable us to adapt to our complex and ever-changing environments. For humans more than many other animals, this notably includes adapting to our conspecific--i.e., human--environments. That is, our existence-ensuring action-in-the-world is largely social action. This inter + action is thus what language is for, from a sociocognitive viewpoint, and therefore why--and how--we acquire it.

This theoretical viewpoint will be illustrated with video data, and possible implications for pedagogy will likewise be explored in this talk.


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