[ この記事は、デューイ『民主主義と教育』(John. Dewey (1916) Democracy and Education. を読む授業のためのものです。目次ページは http://yanaseyosuke.blogspot.jp/2013/09/john-dewey-1916-democracy-and-education.html です。]
なお、以下でつけられたページ番号は、Dover editionのページ番号です。また、Project Gutenbergにはイタリックやボールドなどの強調が抜けていますので、それらは適宜Dover editionから補いました。
■印は、続く引用文の要約で、⇒印は私のコメントです。 下のスライドは、私にとって印象的だったデューイのことばです。
第18章: 教育の価値
Chapter Eighteen: Educational Values
■ 一般的には教育の価値は、ねらい、効用、文化、情報、社会に出る準備、自制心、力、等などとして考えられている。
The specific values usually discussed in educational theories coincide with aims which are usually urged. They are such things as utility, culture, information, preparation for social efficiency, mental discipline or power, and so on. (p. 221)
■ こういった「ねらい」を、デューイはこれまで「興味」や「関心」として扱ってきた。
The aspect of these aims in virtue of which they are valuable has been treated in our analysis of the nature of interest, and there is no difference between speaking of art as an interest or concern and referring to it as a value
■ この章では、教育の価値を考えることにより、これまでのねらいと興味、そして、カリキュラムの議論を統合して考えたい。
An explicit discussion of educational values thus affords an opportunity for reviewing the prior discussion of aims and interests on one hand and of the curriculum on the other, by bringing them into connection with one another. (p. 222)
1. 実感もしくは体感の特質 (The Nature of Realization or Appreciation)
⇒ "Realization"は「実感」とし、"appreciation"は思い切って「体感」と訳してみた。
■ 私たちの経験の大半は間接的なものであり、言語を通じて媒介される。
Much of our experience is indirect; it is dependent upon signs which intervene between the things and ourselves, signs which stand for or represent the former. It is one thing to have been engaged in war, to have shared its dangers and hardships; it is another thing to hear or read about it. All language, all symbols, are implements of an indirect experience; in technical language the experience which is procured by their means is "mediated." It stands in contrast with an immediate, direct experience, something in which we take part vitally and at first hand, instead of through the intervention of representative media. (p. 222)
■ しかしながら、言語が現在の経験に何かを吹き込むことなく、言語がそれ自体で目的になってしまう危険があることは、これまでも再三再四述べてきた。
At the same time (as we have also had repeated occasion to see) there is always a danger that symbols will not be truly representative; danger that instead of really calling up the absent and remote in a way to make it enter a present experience, the linguistic media of representation will become an end in themselves. (p. 222)
■ 直接体験は、「実感がわく」 (realizing sense)、「心で実感する」 (mental realzation)、「体感」 (appreciation)、「身近に感じる」 (coming home to one)、「呑み込む」 (really taking it in) といった口語表現ぐらいで表すしかない。直接経験の意味を体感するには、直接にその経験を有するしかないからだ。
In colloquial speech, the phrase a "realizing sense" is used to express the urgency, warmth, and intimacy of a direct experience in contrast with the remote, pallid, and coldly detached quality of a representative experience. The terms "mental realization" and "appreciation" (or genuine appreciation) are more elaborate names for the realizing sense of a thing. It is not possible to define these ideas except by synonyms, like "coming home to one" "really taking it in," etc., for the only way to appreciate what is meant by a direct experience of a thing is by having it. (p. 223)
Doing and being
■ 絵の解説を読むことと絵を見ることの違い、あるいは絵を見ることとそれに感動することの違い、さらには光に関する方程式を学ぶことと霞がかった風景のもつ特有の輝きの違いを考えれば、間接経験と直接経験の違いがわかるだろう。
But it is the difference between reading a technical description of a picture, and seeing it; or between just seeing it and being moved by it; between learning mathematical equations about light and being carried away by some peculiarly glorious illumination of a misty landscape. (p. 223)
てか、現代日本の学校教育について言うならば、「関心・意欲・態度」の「客観的評価」ってどうやってるの?子どもの関心や意欲や態度などが高まったのは、子どもと時空を共にしていたら、人は実感し体感できるもの。しかし、それをそんなsubjective (主観的・主体的)な理解ではだめで、objective (客観的・客体的・対象的)なエビデンスにしろ、と言われると、途方にくれるのが(私から言わせれば)まともな人の反応だろう。
■ 記号が、実感・体感に取って代わってしまいつつあるという危機
We are thus met by the danger of the tendency of technique and other purely representative forms to encroach upon the sphere of direct appreciations; in other words, the tendency to assume that pupils have a foundation of direct realization of situations sufficient for the superstructure of representative experience erected by formulated school studies. (p. 223)
⇒「外国語」という教科は、もともと「よそよそしい」 (foreign)な教科だが、その教科の教育内容を実感・体感させようとするのではなく、資格試験対策にしてしまってますますよそよそしく点数比較による優越感や劣等感だけしか実感・体感できないような教科にしているのが、昨今の「教育改革」なのではないか。
■ ことばで教育内容を伝える前に、何かを学んでいると実感・体感できる経験を。
Before teaching can safely enter upon conveying facts and ideas through the media of signs, schooling must provide genuine situations in which personal participation brings home the import of the material and the problems which it conveys. From the standpoint of the pupil, the resulting experiences are worth while on their own account; from the standpoint of the teacher they are also means of supplying subject matter required for understanding instruction involving signs, and of evoking attitudes of open-mindedness and concern as to the material symbolically conveyed. (p. 223)
■ これまでの教育内容の理論のあらましで、実感や体感という背景は、典型的な状況を体現する遊びや能動的な集中によって与えられることが述べられた。
In the outline given of the theory of educative subject matter, the demand for this background of realization or appreciation is met by the provision made for play and active occupations embodying typical situations. (pp. 223-224)
⇒遊ぶように能動的に集中してしまう (play and active occupation) ような授業をどうやって作るか。学習者を教師による支配とコントロールの対象(客体)にしてしまうのではなく、学習者がいかに主体的に興味と関心をもち、その中から自制心を芽生えさせ、主体的な目的や目標をもてるようにするというのがデューイの教育観。
ジョン・ホロウェイ(著)高祖岩三郎・篠原雅武(訳) (2011) 『革命 -- 資本主義に亀裂をいれる』河出書房新社
Please do, however, allow me to deliver one very personal message. It is something that I always keep in mind while I am writing fiction. I have never gone so far as to write it on a piece of paper and paste it to the wall: Rather, it is carved into the wall of my mind, and it goes something like this:
"Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg."
Yes, no matter how right the wall may be and how wrong the egg, I will stand with the egg. Someone else will have to decide what is right and what is wrong; perhaps time or history will decide. If there were a novelist who, for whatever reason, wrote works standing with the wall, of what value would such works be?
What is the meaning of this metaphor? In some cases, it is all too simple and clear. Bombers and tanks and rockets and white phosphorus shells are that high, solid wall. The eggs are the unarmed civilians who are crushed and burned and shot by them. This is one meaning of the metaphor.
This is not all, though. It carries a deeper meaning. Think of it this way. Each of us is, more or less, an egg. Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell. This is true of me, and it is true of each of you. And each of us, to a greater or lesser degree, is confronting a high, solid wall. The wall has a name: It is The System. The System is supposed to protect us, but sometimes it takes on a life of its own, and then it begins to kill us and cause us to kill others - coldly, efficiently, systematically.
I have only one reason to write novels, and that is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the surface and shine a light upon it. The purpose of a story is to sound an alarm, to keep a light trained on The System in order to prevent it from tangling our souls in its web and demeaning them. I fully believe it is the novelist's job to keep trying to clarify the uniqueness of each individual soul by writing stories - stories of life and death, stories of love, stories that make people cry and quake with fear and shake with laughter. This is why we go on, day after day, concocting fictions with utter seriousness.
I have only one thing I hope to convey to you today. We are all human beings, individuals transcending nationality and race and religion, fragile eggs faced with a solid wall called The System. To all appearances, we have no hope of winning. The wall is too high, too strong - and too cold. If we have any hope of victory at all, it will have to come from our believing in the utter uniqueness and irreplaceability of our own and others' souls and from the warmth we gain by joining souls together.
Take a moment to think about this. Each of us possesses a tangible, living soul. The System has no such thing. We must not allow The System to exploit us. We must not allow The System to take on a life of its own. The System did not make us: We made The System.
■ 高校や大学の実験室での学びは、事実や問題を「感じ」させること。一般化した内容に到達しそのことに関するテストを受けるのは、体感に比べると、二次的なものにすぎない。
The first and basic function of laboratory work, for example, in a high school or college in a new field, is to familiarize the student at first hand with a certain range of facts and problems --to give him a "feeling" for them. Getting command of technique and of methods of reaching and testing generalizations is at first secondary to getting appreciation. (p. 224)
■ デューイによる小学校の活動の目的
As regards the primary school activities, it is to be borne in mind that the fundamental intent is not to amuse nor to convey information with a minimum of vexation nor yet to acquire skill, -- though these results may accrue as by-products, -- but to enlarge and enrich the scope of experience, and to keep alert and effective the interest in intellectual progress.
小学校の活動の基本的な目的とは、気晴らしでもなく、できるだけ楽しく情報を伝えることでもなく、ましてや技能獲得でもない -- とはいえ、情報や技能は副産物として結果的に獲得されるのだが --。小学校の活動の目的とは、経験の幅を広げ豊かにし、知的進歩の興味を磨き活発にすることである。
この急転換が、教育的配慮からなされたとは思いがたい。文部科学省は、「システム」の側に立っているのか、それとも子ども(そして教師)という「壊れやすい卵」の側に立っているのか --実際、少なからずの子どもと教師が、学校制度の中で壊れている。
■ 体感を考える中で出てきた三つの原則をこれから考える。一つ目は、(ただ名目上だけのものではない)効果的で現実的な価値基準の特質について。二つ目は、体感的に実感する際の想像力の位置づけ。三つ目は指導要領における芸術作品の位置づけ。
The rubric of appreciation supplies an appropriate head for bringing out three further principles: the nature of effective or real (as distinct from nominal) standards of value; the place of the imagination in appreciative realizations; and the place of the fine arts in the course of study. (p. 224)
1 価値基準の特質 (The nature of standards of valuation)
■ 大人は、さまざまな経験から得た真価 (worth) の基準を若者に直接的に教えようとする。
Every adult has acquired, in the course of his prior experience and education, certain measures of the worth of various sorts of experience. He has learned to look upon qualities like honesty, amiability, perseverance, loyalty, as moral goods; upon certain classics of literature, painting, music, as aesthetic values, and so on. Not only this, but he has learned certain rules for these values -- the golden rule in morals; harmony, balance, etc., proportionate distribution in aesthetic goods; definition, clarity, system in intellectual accomplishments. These principles are so important as standards of judging the worth of new experiences that parents and instructors are always tending to teach them directly to the young. (p. 224)
■ 価値基準を直接的に教えることの危険性
They overlook the danger that standards so taught will be merely symbolic; that is, largely conventional and verbal. In reality, working as distinct from professed standards depend upon what an individual has himself specifically appreciated to be deeply significant in concrete situations. (p. 224)
彼らは、そのように [=直接的に] 教えられる基準が単に記号上のもの --ほとんど慣習的でことばの上だけのもの-- になってしまうという危険性を見過ごしている。実際には、教えられた基準が口先だけのものではないものとして運用されるには、一人ひとりが自分自身できちんと体感したことが、具体的な状況の中で深い意味を持たなければならない。
■ 親切の価値も、実生活で活き活きと体感しながら身につかねば、それは単なる口先だけの「知識」に過ぎない。
A youth who has had repeated experience of the full meaning of the value of kindliness toward others built into his disposition has a measure of the worth of generous treatment of others. Without this vital appreciation, the duty and virtue of unselfishness impressed upon him by others as a standard remains purely a matter of symbols which he cannot adequately translate into realities. His "knowledge" is second-handed; it is only a knowledge that others prize unselfishness as an excellence, and esteem him in the degree in which he exhibits it. Thus there grows up a split between a person's professed standards and his actual ones. (p. 225)
■ 明晰さや定義や分析の大切さも、身近に感じ体感していなければ、口先で唱えるだけの丸暗記用語だけに終わる。
In similar fashion, a pupil who has worked through some confused intellectual situation and fought his way to clearing up obscurities in a definite outcome, appreciates the value of clarity and definition. He has a standard which can be depended upon. He may be trained externally to go through certain motions of analysis and division of subject matter and may acquire information about the value of these processes as standard logical functions, but unless it somehow comes home to him at some point as an appreciation of his own, the significance of the logical norms -- so-called -- remains as much an external piece of information as, say, the names of rivers in China. He may be able to recite, but the recital is a mechanical rehearsal. (p. 225)
と、怒りを外に向けたが、それを少し自らに反照させると、次々に私の自己偽善が浮かび上がってきた。気をつけよう(←おじさん、テンション ダウンw)。
■ 体感は教育のすべてにおいて覚えられるべきものである
It is, then, a serious mistake to regard appreciation as if it were confined to such things as literature and pictures and music. Its scope is as comprehensive as the work of education itself. The formation of habits is a purely mechanical thing unless habits are also
tastes --habitual modes of preference and esteem, an effective sense of excellence. There are adequate grounds for asserting that the premium so often put in schools upon external "discipline," and upon marks and rewards, upon promotion and keeping back, are the obverse of the lack of attention given to life situations in which the meaning of facts, ideas, principles, and problems is vitally brought home. (p. 226)
趣きが出てきてから --選定と評定が常に、うまく働く卓越した判断になってからである。学校では、外面的な「規律」や、点数・賞罰や、進級・落第などに重きがおかれているが、そのことは、事実・観念・原則・問題の意味が生き生きと身近に感じられる生きた状況に注意が向けられていないことの反映であると主張することには十分根拠がある。
2 体感的実感 (appreciative realization) と象徴的・記号的経験 (symbolic or representative experiences)
■ 体感 (appreciation) における想像力の重要性
Appreciative realizations are to be distinguished from symbolic or representative experiences. They are not to be distinguished from the work of the intellect or understanding. Only a personal response involving imagination can possibly procure realization even of pure "facts." The imagination is the medium of appreciation in every field. The engagement of the imagination is the only thing that makes any activity more than mechanical. (p. 226)
■ 想像力とは、空想力ではなく、状況の統合的な取り込みである。
Unfortunately, it is too customary to identify the imaginative with the imaginary, rather than with a warm and intimate taking in of the full scope of a situation. (p. 226)
■ 想像力を空想にばかり結びつけるので、教示が想像力を伴わない営みだと誤解される。
This leads to an exaggerated estimate of fairy tales, myths, fanciful symbols, verse, and something labeled "Fine Art," as agencies for developing imagination and appreciation; and, by neglecting imaginative vision in other matters, leads to methods which reduce much instruction to an unimaginative acquiring of specialized skill and amassing of a load of information. (p. 226)
■ 直接身体に訴えかけてくるもの以外を実感するためには、想像力が不可欠。
An adequate recognition of the play of imagination as the medium of realization of every kind of thing which lies beyond the scope of direct physical response is the sole way of escape from mechanical methods in teaching. (p. 227)
■ 想像力は、筋肉運動と同じように、活動に必須
The emphasis put in this book, in accord with many tendencies in contemporary education, upon activity, will be misleading if it is not recognized that the imagination is as much a normal and integral part of human activity as is muscular movement. (p. 227)
■ 学校内での諸活動は、人工空間の中ではあるが意味を感じる営みとして、演劇にたとえられる。
The educative value of manual activities and of laboratory exercises, as well as of play, depends upon the extent in which they aid in bringing about a sensing of the
meaning of what is going on. In effect, if not in name, they are dramatizations. (p. 227)
■ 体感から想像力を経て広範囲な記号的知識へ
Their utilitarian value in forming habits of skill to be used for tangible results is important, but not when isolated from the appreciative side. Were it not for the accompanying play of imagination, there would be no road from a direct activity to representative knowledge; for it is by imagination that symbols are translated over into a direct meaning and integrated with a narrower activity so as to expand and enrich it. (p. 227)
⇒正直 "a narrower activity"が具体的に何を指すのか今一つ自身がないままに、上の[ ]を補った解釈をした。もし解釈に自信がある方がいらっしゃいましたらご教示下さい。
3 芸術作品 (fine arts)について
■ 観賞用の芸術と実用的な民芸も、情動と想像力を伴うという点で同じである。社会的な利用が重視されれば民芸あるいは工芸となるし、趣きに訴える質の体感が重視されれば芸術作品となる。
As engaging the emotions and the imagination, they [= fine arts and useful arts] have the qualities which give the fine arts their quality. As demanding method or skill, the adaptation of tools to materials with constantly increasing perfection, they involve the element of technique indispensable to artistic production. From the standpoint of product, or the work of art, they are naturally defective, though even in this respect when they comprise genuine appreciation they often have a rudimentary charm. As experiences they have both an artistic and an esthetic quality. When they emerge into activities which are tested by their product and when the socially serviceable value of the product is emphasized, they pass into useful or industrial arts. When they develop in the direction of an enhanced appreciation of the immediate qualities which appeal to taste, they grow into fine arts. (pp. 227-228)
⇒"Useful arts"を「民芸」と訳したが、このことばは
■ 文学・音楽・絵画などは体感の代表例
In one of its meanings, appreciation is opposed to depreciation. It denotes an enlarged, an
intensified prizing, not merely a prizing, much less --like depreciation-- a lowered and degraded prizing. This enhancement of the qualities which make any ordinary experience appealing, appropriable -- capable of full assimilation -- and enjoyable, constitutes the prime function of literature, music, drawing, painting, etc., in education. They are not the exclusive agencies of appreciation in the most general sense of that word; but they are the chief agencies of an intensified, enhanced appreciation. (p. 228)
■ 芸術作品は、趣きの基準となる。
As such, they are not only intrinsically and directly enjoyable, but they serve a purpose beyond themselves. They have the office, in increased degree, of all appreciation in fixing taste, in forming standards for the worth of later experiences. They arouse discontent with conditions which fall below their measure; they create a demand for surroundings coming up to their own level. They reveal a depth and range of meaning in experiences which otherwise might be mediocre and trivial. They supply, that is, organs of vision. Moreover, in their fullness they represent the concentration and consummation of elements of good which are otherwise scattered and incomplete. They select and focus the elements of enjoyable worth which make any experience directly enjoyable. They are not luxuries of education, but emphatic expressions of that which makes any education worth while. (p. 229)
⇒何かを体感 (appreciate) することが、教育を教育たらしめている。
2 教科の価値付け (The Valuation of Studies)
■ 内在的価値 (intrinsic value) と 道具的価値 (instrumental value)
Intrinsic values are not objects of judgment, they cannot (as intrinsic) be compared, or regarded as greater and less, better or worse. They are invaluable; and if a thing is invaluable, it is neither more nor less so than any other invaluable. But occasions present themselves when it is necessary to choose, when we must let one thing go in order to take another. This establishes an order of preference, a greater and less, better and worse. Things judged or passed upon have to be estimated in relation to some third thing, some further end. With respect to that, they are means, or instrumental values. (p. 229)
⇒言語教育の動機づけ理論では、統合的動機づけ (integrative motivation)と道具的動機づけ (instrumental motivation) が古典的(
Wikipedia: motivation in second language learning)。しかし近年は内在的動機づけ (intrinsic motivation) と外在的動機づけ (extrinsic motivation) の対立で語ることの方が多いように思う (
Wikipedia: Motivation ― ちなみにこれら二つのウィキペディア記事の分量を比較して見てください―)。
■ 内在的価値は、私たちが生きるということに内在している。
We may imagine a man who at one time thoroughly enjoys converse with his friends, at another the hearing of a symphony; at another the eating of his meals; at another the reading of a book; at another the earning of money, and so on. As an appreciative realization, each of these is an intrinsic value. It occupies a particular place in life; it serves its own end, which cannot be supplied by a substitute. There is no question of comparative value, and hence none of valuation. Each is the specific good which it is, and that is all that can be said. In its own place, none is a means to anything beyond itself. (p. 229)
⇒"It occupies a particular place in life"という文が私には印象的だった。「内在的」といっても、それは例えば脳内に内在しているのではなく、私たちがこの世界で生きることに内在しているという意味であると理解するべきだろう。
"Intrinsic value" (内在的価値)を
"embodied value" (身体化された価値)と呼び替えるのはやり過ぎだろうか?
■ しかし状況によっては選択を迫られることがある。ある特定の状況では、ある特定の価値が内在的価値をもつものであり、他のものはそれを達成させるための手段となる。
But there may arise a situation in which they compete or conflict, in which a choice has to be made. Now comparison comes in. Since a choice has to be made, we want to know the respective claims of each competitor. What is to be said for it -- What does it offer in comparison with, as balanced over against, some other possibility -- Raising these questions means that a particular good is no longer an end in itself, an intrinsic good. For if it were, its claims would be incomparable, imperative. The question is now as to its status as a means of realizing something else, which is then the invaluable of
that situation. If a man has just eaten, or if he is well fed generally and the opportunity to hear music is a rarity, he will probably prefer the music to eating. In the given situation that will render the greater contribution. If he is starving, or if he is satiated with music for the time being, he will naturally judge food to have the greater worth. (p. 229)
■ 価値にはそもそも程度も順序もない
In the abstract or at large, apart from the needs of a particular situation in which choice has to be made, there is no such thing as degrees or order of value. (pp. 229-230)
Certain conclusions follow with respect to educational values. We cannot establish a hierarchy of values among studies. It is futile to attempt to arrange them in an order, beginning with one having least worth and going on to that of maximum value. In so far as any study has a unique or irreplaceable function in experience, in so far as it marks a characteristic enrichment of life, its worth is intrinsic or incomparable. Since education is not a means to living, but is identical with the operation of living a life which is fruitful and inherently significant, the only ultimate value which can be set up is just the process of living itself. And this is not an end to which studies and activities are subordinate means; it is the whole of which they are ingredients. (p. 230)
Come in, babe
Across these purple fields
The sun has sunk behind you
Across these purple fields
That idiot-boy in the corner
Is speaking deviated truths
Come on, admit it, babe
It's a wonderful life
If you can find it
If you can find it
If you can find it
It's a wonderful life that you bring
Ooh it's a wonderful thing
(私はNick Caveを映画
■ 「この教科の価値はこれ」などと特定するのも的はずれである。例えば、科学も、どんな状況で何のために使われるかによって、さまざまな価値をとりうる。
It also follows that the attempt to distribute distinct sorts of value among different studies is a misguided one, in spite of the amount of time recently devoted to the undertaking. Science for example may have
any kind of value, depending upon the situation into which it enters as a means. To some the value of science may be military; it may be an instrument in strengthening means of offense or defense; it may be technological, a tool for engineering; or it may be commercial --an aid in the successful conduct of business; under other conditions, its worth may be philanthropic --the service it renders in relieving human suffering; or again it may be quite conventional-- of value in establishing one's social status as an "educated" person. (pp. 230-231)
■ 教科は「体感的価値」をもち、それ自身が価値をもつものとして教えられるべきである。
As matter of fact, science serves all these purposes, and it would be an arbitrary task to try to fix upon one of them as its "real" end. All that we can be sure of educationally is that science should be taught so as to be an end in itself in the lives of students -- something worth while on account of its own unique intrinsic contribution to the experience of life. Primarily it must have "appreciation value." (p. 231)
⇒「体感的価値」 (appreciation value)という用語が出てきた。
■ 詩も、余暇の楽しみのために教えられるのではなく、それ自身が生きることの糧として教えられるべきである(ホメロスは、ギリシャ人にとっての聖書・道徳書・歴史書・国民文学であった)。
If we take something which seems to be at the opposite pole, like poetry, the same sort of statement applies. It may be that, at the present time, its chief value is the contribution it makes to the enjoyment of leisure. But that may represent a degenerate condition rather than anything necessary. Poetry has historically been allied with religion and morals; it has served the purpose of penetrating the mysterious depths of things. It has had an enormous patriotic value. Homer to the Greeks was a Bible, a textbook of morals, a history, and a national inspiration. In any case, it may be said that an education which does not succeed in making poetry a resource in the business of life as well as in its leisure, has something the matter with it -- or else the poetry is artificial poetry. (p. 231)
■ 教科は、生徒の「今・ここ」の人生と、「いつかやってみたい」人生の両方を豊かにするものであるべき。
Those responsible for planning and teaching the course of study should have grounds for thinking that the studies and topics included furnish both direct increments to the enriching of lives of the pupils and also materials which they can put to use in other concerns of direct interest. (p. 231)
■ カリキュラムには、教育以外の影響が蓄積しがちなので常に検討・批判・改訂が必要である。
Since the curriculum is always getting loaded down with purely inherited traditional matter and with subjects which represent mainly the energy of some influential person or group of persons in behalf of something dear to them, it requires constant inspection, criticism, and revision to make sure it is accomplishing its purpose. (p. 231)
■ だからといって生徒が常に、(それが内在的であれ、道具的であれ)教育の価値を自覚していなければならないというわけではない。
But these considerations do not mean that for a subject to have motivating value to a pupil (whether intrinsic or instrumental) is the same thing as for him to be aware of the value, or to be able to tell what the study is good for. (p. 232)
■ 教育内容が生徒に直接的に訴えている時には、それには内在的価値がある。道具的価値はそうではないかもしれないが、道具的価値も「何のため」という連鎖をたどってゆくと、どこかで内在的価値に到達する。
In the first place, as long as any topic makes an immediate appeal, it is not necessary to ask what it is good for. This is a question which can be asked only about instrumental values. Some goods are not good
for anything; they are just goods. Any other notion leads to an absurdity. For we cannot stop asking the question about an instrumental good, one whose value lies in its being good
for something, unless there is at some point something intrinsically good, good for itself. (p. 232)
■ 腹を空かした子どもに対して食物の価値を問う必要などない。
To a hungry, healthy child, food is a good of the situation; we do not have to bring him to consciousness of the ends subserved by food in order to supply a motive to eat. The food in connection with his appetite
is a motive. (p. 232)
■ 子どもが教材に対して自発的な反応をすることこそが、教育内容の価値を示している。
The same thing holds of mentally eager pupils with respect to many topics. Neither they nor the teacher could possibly foretell with any exactness the purposes learning is to accomplish in the future; nor as long as the eagerness continues is it advisable to try to specify particular goods which are to come of it. The proof of a good is found in the fact that the pupil responds; his response
is use. His response to the material shows that the subject functions in his life. (p. 232)
マルクスの用語に私なりの改訂を加えた独自の用語法で言うなら―私の用語は太字で示すこととする―、あるものが端的によいこと(デューイの用語なら「内在的価値」や「体感的価値」をもっていること)は、「真価」 (worth)をもつとも言われているが、これは
「個人的使用価値」(Personal Use Value)をもつとも表現できる。その個人にとって「使いで」があるからである。例えば、ある人が趣味で何かをするとき、その対象には内在的価値・体感的価値・真価・個人的使用価値がある。
「一般的使用価値」 (General Use Value)をもつようになる。例えば趣味で作っていたアクセサリーが他の人も欲しがるものとなることがその例だろう。あるいはアーチストの詩を趣味で学んでいるうちに、その語学力が他の用途にも使えるようになった時を考えてもいいかもしれない。
「一般的使用価値」をもつものは、やがて、他の人と交換されるようになるかもしれない。趣味で作っていたアクセサリーには価格がつくかもしれない。アーチストが好きで学んでいた語学力は資格試験の点数と換算的に交換されるようになるかもしれない。つまり、「交換価値」 (exchange value) をもつようになるわけである。
今朝(2014/01/27)の毎日新聞には水戸健一記者の署名入り小コラム(記者ノート 「英語教育」)が掲載されていたが、そこでは鳥飼久美子先生(立教大学)が、小学校に講演に行くと、しばしば児童に「なぜ英語を勉強しなければならないのか分からない」と問われるエピソードが紹介されている。児童は「担任の先生は『勉強しておけば損がない』と言うけれど・・・」と口ごもるそうだ。
モイシェ・ポストン著、白井聡/野尻英一監訳(2012/1993)『時間・労働・支配 ― マルクス理論の新地平』筑摩書房
■ 道具的価値も究極的には内在的価値につながらなくてはならない。
In general what is desirable is that a topic be presented in such a way that it either have an immediate value, and require no justification, or else be perceived to be a means of achieving something of intrinsic value. An instrumental value then has the intrinsic value of being a means to an end. (p. 233)
3. 価値の分離と体系化 (The Segregation and Organization of Values)
■ 幸せといった抽象概念は教育において重要な観点であるが、そういった抽象概念に教育の具体的な営みを還元させてしまってはいけない。
Health, wealth, efficiency, sociability, utility, culture, happiness itself are only abstract terms which sum up a multitude of particulars. To regard such things as standards for the valuation of concrete topics and process of education is to subordinate to an abstraction the concrete facts from which the abstraction is derived. They are not in any true sense standards of valuation; these are found, as we have previously seen, in the
specific realizations which form tastes and habits of preference. They are, however, of significance as points of view elevated above the details of life whence to survey the field and see how its constituent details are distributed, and whether they are well proportioned. (pp. 233-234)
■ しかし抽象的観点は、教育方法と教育内容を調査・批判・改善するための有用な観点である。
And while these considerations are not standards of value, they are useful criteria for survey, criticism, and better organization of existing methods and subject matter of instruction. (p. 234)
■ 各教科は別種の価値をもち、カリキュラムはそんな別種の価値が十分に集まるまで教科を増やすことだと一般に考えられている。
The need of such general points of view is the greater because of a tendency to segregate educational values due to the isolation from one another of the various pursuits of life. The idea is prevalent that different studies represent separate kinds of values, and that the curriculum should, therefore, be constituted by gathering together various studies till a sufficient variety of independent values have been cared for. (p. 234)
■ 「この教科の価値は○○で、あの教科の価値は××」といった俗説の典型例
"Memory is trained by most studies, but best by languages and history; taste is trained by the more advanced study of languages, and still better by English literature; imagination by all higher language teaching, but chiefly by Greek and Latin poetry; observation by science work in the laboratory, though some training is to be got from the earlier stages of Latin and Greek; for expression, Greek and Latin composition comes first and English composition next; for abstract reasoning, mathematics stands almost alone; for concrete reasoning, science comes first, then geometry; for social reasoning, the Greek and Roman historians and orators come first, and general history next. Hence the narrowest education which can claim to be at all complete includes Latin, one modern language, some history, some English literature, and one science." (pp. 234-235)
■ 俗説とそれを支える哲学、そしてそれに基づく教育観。
This attitude toward subjects is the obverse side of the conception of experience or life as a patchwork of independent interests which exist side by side and limit one another. ... There is a philosophy which might well be called the check and balance theory of experience. Life presents a diversity of interests. Left to themselves, they tend to encroach on one another. The ideal is to prescribe a special territory for each till the whole ground of experience is covered, and then see to it each remains within its own boundaries. ... An ideal education would then supply the means of meeting these separate and pigeon-holed interests. And when we look at the schools, it is easy to get the impression that they accept this view of the nature of adult life, and set for themselves the task of meeting its demands. (p. 236)
■ さまざまな種類の教育が喧伝される中で、教育の本質が失われている。
And it will be found that a large part of current agitation about schools is concerned with clamor and controversy about the due meed of recognition to be given to each of these interests, and with struggles to secure for each its due share in the course of study; or, if this does not seem feasible in the existing school system, then to secure a new and separate kind of schooling to meet the need. In the multitude of educations education is forgotten. (pp. 236-237)
■ 「質」というものを忘れた者は、教育改革ももっぱら量的な拡大・削減でしか図らない。
The obvious outcome is congestion of the course of study, overpressure and distraction of pupils, and a narrow specialization fatal to the very idea of education. But these bad results usually lead to more of the same sort of thing as a remedy. When it is perceived that after all the requirements of a full life experience are not met, the deficiency is not laid to the isolation and narrowness of the teaching of the existing subjects, and this recognition made the basis of reorganization of the system. No, the lack is something to be made up for by the introduction of still another study, or, if necessary, another kind of school. And as a rule those who object to the resulting overcrowding and consequent superficiality and distraction usually also have recourse to a merely quantitative criterion: the remedy is to cut off a great many studies as fads and frills, and return to the good old curriculum of the three R's in elementary education and the equally good and equally old-fashioned curriculum of the classics and mathematics in higher education. (p. 237)
⇒これは現在の英語教育改革についても言えること。誰もが英語教育の「質」 ―学びの中で子どもが感じている実感― を、「そんなのは数量化できないからエビデンスにならない」、「そんなことは科学ではない」とばかりに、授業時間や単語数といった量ばかりで英語教育を操作する。
■ 多様な側面をもつ経験の統一感・統合感
The point at issue in a theory of educational value is then the unity or integrity of experience. How shall it be full and varied without losing unity of spirit? How shall it be one and yet not narrow and monotonous in its unity? Ultimately, the question of values and a standard of values is the moral question of the organization of the interests of life. (p. 238)
Fundamentally, the elements involved in a discussion of value have been covered in the prior discussion of aims and interests. But since educational values are generally discussed in connection with the claims of the various studies of the curriculum, the consideration of aim and interest is here resumed from the point of view of special studies. The term "value" has two quite different meanings. On the one hand, it denotes the attitude of prizing a thing finding it worth while, for its own sake, or intrinsically. This is a name for a full or complete experience. To value in this sense is to appreciate. But to value also means a distinctively intellectual act -- an operation of comparing and judging -- to valuate. This occurs when direct full experience is lacking, and the question arises which of the various possibilities of a situation is to be preferred in order to reach a full realization, or vital experience.
We must not, however, divide the studies of the curriculum into the appreciative, those concerned with intrinsic value, and the instrumental, concerned with those which are of value or ends beyond themselves. The formation of proper standards in any subject depends upon a realization of the contribution which it makes to the immediate significance of experience, upon a direct appreciation. Literature and the fine arts are of peculiar value because they represent appreciation at its best -- a heightened realization of meaning through selection and concentration. But every subject at some phase of its development should possess, what is for the individual concerned with it, an aesthetic quality.
Contribution to immediate intrinsic values in all their variety in experience is the only criterion for determining the worth of instrumental and derived values in studies. The tendency to assign separate values to each study and to regard the curriculum in its entirety as a kind of composite made by the aggregation of segregated values is a result of the isolation of social groups and classes. Hence it is the business of education in a democratic social group to struggle against this isolation in order that the various interests may reinforce and play into one another.