Moodleは、WebCTと同じようにウェブ上に教育環境を創り出すコンテンツマネジメントシステム(CMS)ですが、吉田さんは、このMoodle-based e-portfoliosで起こったことは"teachers looked backward at their past and forward to their future as well as inward to themselves and outward to the surrounding contexts. (p. 150)"という振り返りと構想だと考えています。
しかしもちろん何かの電子システムを使えばすべてがうまくゆくというわけではなく、吉田さんは"strategic mediation"(言ってみるならば「しかけ」)として、Designing Language Courses: A Guide for Teachers
この本自体は、下記のまとめにもありますように"the complexities of second language teachers’ professional development"をトピックとし、"the discursive practices that shape teachers’ knowing, thinking, and doing and provides a window into how alternative mediational means can create opportunities for teachers to move toward more theoretically and pedagogically sound instructional practices within the settings and circumstances of their work"ことを示したものと言えるでしょう。
Embracing a sociocultural perspective on human cognition and employing an array of methodological tools for data collection and analysis, this volume documents the complexities of second language teachers’ professional development in diverse L2 teacher education programs around the world, including Asia, South America, Europe, and North America, and traces that development both over time and within the broader cultural, historical and institutional settings and circumstances of teachers’ work.
This systematic examination of teacher professional development illuminates in multiple ways the discursive practices that shape teachers’ knowing, thinking, and doing and provides a window into how alternative mediational means can create opportunities for teachers to move toward more theoretically and pedagogically sound instructional practices within the settings and circumstances of their work. The chapters represent both native and nonnative English speaking pre-service and in-service L2 teachers at all levels from K-12 through higher education, and examine significant challenges that are present in L2 teacher education programs.(アマゾンの説明文)
現時点で私が読んだのは上の吉田さんの章と、Karen E. JohnsonとPaula R. Golombekによる第一章(A Sociocultural Theoretical Perspective on Teacher Professional Development)だけですが、この第一章ではこの本の基本哲学が示されます。
human cognition originates in and emerges outof participation in social activities. (p. 1)
Human cognition is mediated by virtue of being situated in a cultural environment and it is from this cultural environment that we acquire the representational systems, most notably language, that ultimately become the medium, mediator, and tools of thought. (p. 1)
「時空」ですから"sociocultural approach"としばしば言われますが、当然歴史的な視点も入るわけです。
Social relations, or human mediation, are also central to understanding how the network of our external soical interactions mediates the transformative process of internalization. The social here is the centuries old historical and sociocultural legacy into which we are born. From birth, a child is involved in dialogic interactions in which caregivers use language to regulate the child. (p. 5)
いずれにせよ新人教師は、可能なかぎり周りが継続的・体系的に育てなければなりません。というより、新人には最初から一人だけで仕事を任せず、手伝い・カバン持ち的な周辺的な仕事をきちんと行わせ、その中からだんだんと仕事について学ばせるという「正統的周辺参加」(Legitimate peripheral participation)をさせるというのが、古今東西の世間の知恵というものでしょう。
Karen E. JohnsonとPaula R. Golombekもこう言います。
In other words, knowing what a novice teacher can do on her own tells us little about her potential to learn something new. However, when we see/hear how this same teachyer interacts with someone who is more capable while accomplishing a task that is beyond her abilities, this creates a window through which we can see her potential for learning and her capabilities as they are emerging. (p. 6)
Attribution Error and the Quest for Teacher Quality
Mary M. Kennedy
Social psychologists are persuaded that researchers as well as laymen tend to overestimate the influence of personal traits and underestimate the influence of situations on observed behavior. The author of this article suggests that education researchers and policy makers may be overestimating the role of personal qualities in their quest to understand teaching quality. In their effort to understand classroom-to-classroom differences in student learning, they may focus too much on the characteristics of teachers themselves, overlooking situational factors that may have a strong bearing on the quality of the teaching practices we see. The author reviews some of these situational forces.
現状に対抗するために理論は有効です。現状をあまりに無批判的に受け入れる思考放棄が時に大きな悲劇を招くことは歴史が教える通りですから、理論を理論として学ぶのではなく、現状を読み取り現実を変革するために理論を学びたいと思います(・・・って、これマルクスじゃん 笑)
吉田さんの大きな功績の一つは、オックスフォードー神戸セミナー"Understanding Language Classroom and New Directions for Language Teaching Research"(2007年3月15-17日・セントキャサリンズカレッジ・神戸インスティテュート)を成功させ、私を含めた多くの人間の世界を広げてくれたことです。
このセミナーの成果は、Researching Language Teaching and Learningにまとめられています。
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【広告】 教育実践の改善には『リフレクティブな英語教育をめざして』
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