
OECD国際教員指導環境調査(The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey: TALIS) の閲覧およびダウンロード

今朝の新聞各紙は、OECD国際教員指導環境調査 (The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey: TALIS) の結果を報道しました。


TALIS 2013 Results
An International Perspective on Teaching and Learning
(PDF DOI:10.1787/9789264196261-en)


私は今回、図表を中心にざっと閲覧しただけですが、個人的に興味深かったのは 以下の図表です。(これらの図表をこのブログに埋め込んで、リンクも設置するつもりだったのですが、どこかでHTMLを間違ったらしく、埋め込み・リンクがきちんとできませんでしたので図表の名称提示だけにしておきます)。

Figure 2.2
Teachers' feelings of preparedness for teaching

Figure 3.5
Gender and age distribution of principals

Figure 7.3
Teachers' view of the way society values the teaching profession

Table 2.18
School and class size

Table 6.12
Teachers' working hours

Table 6.13
teachers' beliefs about teaching and learning

Table 7.2
Teachers' job satisfaction


このTALIS 2013のいくつかの結果をグラフ化したパワーポイントファイルを、下記の記事に掲載しました。


KCUFS Reflective Practice Conference in Kobe, Japan (2014年8月28-30日 神戸市外国語大学)のお知らせ(および発表者募集)

8月28-30日に、神戸市外国語大学で、KCUFS Reflective Practice Conference in Kobe, Japan(使用言語・英語)が開催されます。参加者および発表者を募集します(発表者申込締切は6/28です)。

以下は、conference organizerの玉井健先生による趣旨説明です。

KCUFS Reflective Practice Conference in Kobe, Japan

Exploring reflective approaches to capture “experiences” in the classroom: 
Reflection in the experience, on the experience and beyond the experience

Practitioners in the classroom are exposed to a variety of interactional incidents including those that are not even recognized as such. Memories of teaching events, the process of teaching in particular, however, are left in the hands of oblivion and quickly discarded from our consciousness once stepping out of the classroom, often with little traces of existence. Amongst fading memories some remain in our hearts in forms of anger or regrets, which are labeled as a negative experience without its meaning ever examined further.

Experiences do not become experiences of themselves unless they are reflected. As one of the most important criteria of reflection, Rodgers (2002) articulates that reflection is the meaning making process of experience. In this sense, reflection is fundamentally directed to experience as a means to learn from it (Tamai, 2009, 2013). This is where Reflective Practice stands as a systematic approach to describe, analyze and develop deeper understanding on them.

Experiences, furthermore, are not necessarily limited to past events. As articulated by Shon (1983) reflection is directed not only to the past action but to on-going actions that are taking place here and now. Improvisers expose themselves in-the-moment experiences and go even beyond, opening themselves toward the future. Experiences should not be considered as those of the past but something that are open to the present and the future as well.

Putting all these together, we would like to throw lights on experience from different angles to explore ways to approach it for our growth as a researcher and practitioner. Exchanging ideas on different ways of viewing experiences and relevant research methods will surely open paths to practitioners and researchers who put their feet in the field of practice. We would like to welcome participants who want to join and share this inquisitive process of reflection with us.

Ken Tamai,
Conference organizer,
Professor of the Graduate School
of English Language Education and Research,
Kobe City University of Foreign Studies

以下は、plenary speakersの紹介です。

Carol Rodgers, EdD (The State University New York, Albany)
Dr. Rodgers is associate professor of education in the department of Educational Theory and Practice. Before coming to SUNY Albany in 2000, she taught for 20 years in the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program at the School for International Training in Brattleboro, Vermont. Her teaching and research interests include reflective practice, the historical roots of reflection in the work of John Dewey and early progressive teacher education efforts, reflective teacher education and professional development. She is currently interested in understanding how teachers learn to shift their attention from themselves and their teaching to their students and their learning.

Carrie Lobman, EdD (The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers)
Dr. Lobman is associate professor in the department of Learning and Teaching. She is an educational researcher, trainer, and teacher educator whose research explores the value of improvisation and play for learning and development. She is a nationally recognized advocate for play and creativity for the education of people of all ages. She is a consultant to educational programs internationally, most recently in Dhaka and Sao Paolo. In 2011 she joined the Board of Directors of the All Stars Project, where she serves as a consultant to the launch of its Institute for the Study of Play in Newark, NJ. Her publications include: Unscripted Learning: Using Improvisational Activities Across the K-8 Curriculum (Teachers College Press) with Matt Lundquist; and Play and Performance (University Press of America) with Barbara O'Neill.

Mark Monahan, PhD (Trinity College Dublin)
Dr. Monahan is assistant professor in the department of Nursing. Mental Health Nursing. Working with people given a medical diagnosis of schizophrenia. Working with families where a diagnosis of psychosis is present. Facilitation of reflective practice in nursing. Recipient of Provost Teaching Award(2007)



詳しくはその書評をご覧頂きたいのですが、この本は、研究を「研究のための研究」にせず、大学院や研修に行く時間的・金銭的余裕もないが向上心を失っていない現職教師が、自分自身で行うことができる探究としての"teacher research"を目指す書です。



「客観性」を問い直し、量的研究の「客観主義」を乗り越える ―シンポジウム「第二言語習得論からみた大学英語教育-量的アプローチと質的アプローチの共存-」

以下は、第30回(2014年度)JACET中部支部大会(2014/06/07 土曜日 椙山女学園大学)で開催されるシンポジウム「「第二言語習得論からみた大学英語教育-量的アプローチと質的アプローチの共存-」の発表で、私が配布する印刷資料と投影するスライド資料です。ご興味がありましたらダウンロードしてください。