[ この記事は、デューイ『民主主義と教育』(John. Dewey (1916) Democracy and Education. を読む授業のためのものです。目次ページはhttp://yanaseyosuke.blogspot.jp/2013/09/john-dewey-1916-democracy-and-education.htmlです。]
なお、以下でつけられたページ番号は、Dover editionのページ番号です。また、Project Gutenbergにはイタリックやボールドなどの強調が抜けていますので、それらは適宜Dover editionから補いました。
■印は、続く引用文の要約で、⇒印は私のコメントです。 下のスライドは、私にとって印象的だったデューイのことばです。
第12章: 教育における思考
Chapter Twelve: Thinking in Education
■ 教示 (instruction)を、技能獲得、情報獲得、思考訓練に区分してしまうと、結果的にどれも不十分に終わってしまう。
The parceling out of instruction among various ends such as acquisition of skill (in reading, spelling, writing, drawing, reciting); acquiring information (in history and geography),
and training of thinking is a measure of the ineffective way in which we accomplish all three. (p. 146)
sinking となりませんように)。
■ 行為・自己・世界と結びついていない思考、思考と結びついていない技能、考えた上での行動と結びついていない情報は、知性を破壊する重荷となる。
Thinking which is not connected with increase of efficiency in action, and with learning more about ourselves and the world in which we live, has something the matter with it just as thought (See
ante, p. 147). And skill obtained apart from thinking is not connected with any sense of the purposes for which it is to be used. It consequently leaves a man at the mercy of his routine habits and of the authoritative control of others, who know what they are about and who are not especially scrupulous as to their means of achievement. And information severed from thoughtful action is dead, a mind-crushing load. (p. 146)
■ 教育の方法の改善は、ひとえに思考にかかっている。
The sole direct path to enduring improvement in the methods of instruction and learning consists in centering upon the conditions which exact, promote, and test thinking. Thinking is the method of intelligent learning, of learning that employs and rewards mind. (pp. 146-147)
■ I: 思考は経験から始まる。(だが従来の哲学では、思考と経験は切り離されて考えられていた)
I. The initial stage of that developing experience which is called thinking is experience. This remark may sound like a silly truism. It ought to be one; but unfortunately it is not. On the contrary, thinking is often regarded both in philosophic theory and in educational practice as something cut off from experience, and capable of being cultivated in isolation. In fact, the inherent limitations of experience are often urged as the sufficient ground for attention to thinking. Experience is then thought to be confined to the senses and appetites; to a mere material world, while thinking proceeds from a higher faculty (of reason), and is occupied with spiritual or at least literary things. (p. 147)
栗田哲也 (2012) 『数学による思考のレッスン』ちくま新書
■ しかしもちろん経験も、最初は試行錯誤から始まる。
But the first stage of contact with any new material, at whatever age of maturity, must inevitably be of the trial and error sort. An individual must actually try, in play or work, to do something with material in carrying out his own impulsive activity, and then note the interaction of his energy and that of the material employed. This is what happens when a child at first begins to build with blocks, and it is equally what happens when a scientific man in his laboratory begins to experiment with unfamiliar objects. (pp. 147-148)
■ 学校の勉強も、日常生活での思考や振り返りや行動と結びついてはじめて学びとなる。
To realize what an experience, or empirical situation, means, we have to call to mind the sort of situation that presents itself outside of school; the sort of occupations that interest and engage activity in ordinary life. And careful inspection of methods which are permanently successful in formal education, whether in arithmetic or learning to read, or studying geography, or learning physics or a foreign language, will reveal that they depend for their efficiency upon the fact that they go back to the type of the situation which causes reflection out of school in ordinary life. They give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking, or the intentional noting of connections; learning naturally results. (p. 148)
■ 単にいつもやっていることや、急に思いついたことでなく、学習者に新しさ(ということは不確実性と問題性)を提示するような状況を教師は提供しなければならない。
That the situation should be of such a nature as to arouse thinking means of course that it should suggest something to do which is not either routine or capricious -- something, in other words, presenting what is new (and hence uncertain or problematic) and yet sufficiently connected with existing habits to call out an effective response. An effective response means one which accomplishes a perceptible result, in distinction from a purely haphazard activity, where the consequences cannot be mentally connected with what is done. The most significant question which can be asked, accordingly, about any situation or experience proposed to induce learning is what quality of problem it involves. (p. 148)
個人的には、問題の「質」 (quality of problem) という表現がやはり気にかかった。私たちはもっと、量に還元しがたく、身体ごと感じるしかない質(クオリティ)というものを大切にしないといけないのではないか。
■ 従来の教育方法でも、問題や課題をきちんと提示しているではないかと思うかもしれないが、生徒にとって真正な問題や課題と、擬似的な問題や課題を区別するために、以下に続く問いに即して考えてゆこう。
At first thought, it might seem as if usual school methods measured well up to the standard here set. The giving of problems, the putting of questions, the assigning of tasks, the magnifying of difficulties, is a large part of school work. But it is indispensable to discriminate between genuine and simulated or mock problems. The following questions may aid in making such discrimination. (p. 148)
■ (a) それは実は問題ではないのではないか?教師が授業のためだけに作り上げた問題であり、日常生活では見当たらないようなものではないか?
(a) Is there anything
but a problem? Does the question naturally suggest itself within some situation or personal experience? Or is it an aloof thing, a problem only for the purposes of conveying instruction in some school topic? Is it the sort of trying that would arouse observation and engage experimentation outside of school? (pp. 148-149)
「みんないろいろな自慢をしてみよう。一つ目の自慢は「絶対自慢」― あなたが絶対の自信をもって「これは、誰・何よりも○○や」と言える自慢 [=要は、最上級を使う表現]。二つ目の自慢は、「ドヤ顔自慢」 ―「これは、こいつよりは○○だぞ」という自慢 [=比較級]。そして最後は、「謙虚な自慢」 ― 「これは、少なくともこれと同じぐらいは○○だけど」 [=同等比較]。さあ、自慢したいものを考えて、それぞれの自慢の方法で表現してみて。表現したいけど知らないことばがあったら教えるから手を上げてね」
■ (b) 本当に学習者にとっての問題であるか?教師が評価を提出しなくてはならないから出しているだけの問題ではないのか?言い換えるなら、学習者にとって内的な問題か、それとも外的な問題か?
(b) Is it the pupil's own problem, or is it the teacher's or textbook's problem, made a problem for the pupil only because he cannot get the required mark or be promoted or win the teacher's approval, unless he deals with it? Obviously, these two questions overlap. They are two ways of getting at the same point: Is the experience a personal thing of such a nature as inherently to stimulate and direct observation of the connections involved, and to lead to inference and its testing? Or is it imposed from without, and is the pupil's problem simply to meet the external requirement? (p. 149)
■ 子どもは生来好奇心旺盛のはずだが、学校の中ではいつしか好奇心を失ってしまう。このことは、学校が、いかに自然と問題に出くわす経験を与えていないかということを示している。
No one has ever explained why children are so full of questions outside of the school (so that they pester grown-up persons if they get any encouragement), and the conspicuous absence of display of curiosity about the subject matter of school lessons. Reflection on this striking contrast will throw light upon the question of how far customary school conditions supply a context of experience in which problems naturally suggest themselves. No amount of improvement in the personal technique of the instructor will wholly remedy this state of things. There must be more actual material, more stuff, more appliances, and more opportunities for doing things, before the gap can be overcome. And where children are engaged in doing things and in discussing what arises in the course of their doing, it is found, even with comparatively indifferent modes of instruction, that children's inquiries are spontaneous and numerous, and the proposals of solution advanced, varied, and ingenious. (pp. 149-150)
⇒事態を改善させるためには、「もっと何かを行うための教材・教具・道具・機会がなくてはならない」(There must be more actual material, more stuff, more appliances, and more opportunities for doing things)としている。
■ 生徒にとっての「問題」は、教師の要求をみたすことだけになり、教師が何を求め、どうしたら教師を満足させることができるかだけを考えるようになる。知らない間に学習者の学びの対象は、学校システムの慣行や基準、そして権威となってしまう。
As a consequence of the absence of the materials and occupations which generate real problems, the pupil's problems are not his; or, rather, they are his only as a pupil, not as a human being. Hence the lamentable waste in carrying over such expertness as is achieved in dealing with them to the affairs of life beyond the schoolroom. A pupil has a problem, but it is the problem of meeting the peculiar requirements set by the teacher. His problem becomes that of finding out what the teacher wants, what will satisfy the teacher in recitation and examination and outward deportment. Relationship to subject matter is no longer direct. The occasions and material of thought are not found in the arithmetic or the history or geography itself, but in skillfully adapting that material to the teacher's requirements. The pupil studies, but unconsciously to himself the objects of his study are the conventions and standards of the school system and school authority, not the nominal "studies." The thinking thus evoked is artificially one-sided at the best. At its worst, the problem of the pupil is not how to meet the requirements of school life, but how to seem to meet them?or, how to come near enough to meeting them to slide along without an undue amount of friction. (p. 150)
■ II: 自ずと生じた困難に対応するためには、データが必要だ。先進的な教育方法を提唱している教師の中には、あたかも子どもは自分の頭の中だけから解決法を見出すことができるかのように言う者もいるが、それは間違い。
II. There must be
data at command to supply the considerations required in dealing with the specific difficulty which has presented itself. Teachers following a "developing" method sometimes tell children to think things out for themselves as if they could spin them out of their own heads. (p. 150)
■ 考えるための材料は、経験。
The material of thinking is not thoughts, but actions, facts, events, and the relations of things. In other words, to think effectively one must have had, or now have, experiences which will furnish him resources for coping with the difficulty at hand. (pp. 150-151)
■ 学校には学習者に与えられる情報が多すぎるとも言えるし、少なすぎるとも言える。
There is no inconsistency in saying that in schools there is usually both too much and too little information supplied by others. (p. 152)
■ 暗記課題や試験問題で再生されるべき情報はありすぎる。知識は、さらなる探究のために必要とされるものに過ぎないのに、学校ではしばしば知識自体が到達点だとみなされている。このように静的な知識観が、考えることを抑圧してしまう。
The accumulation and acquisition of information for purposes of reproduction in recitation and examination is made too much of. "Knowledge," in the sense of information, means the working capital, the indispensable resources, of further inquiry; of finding out, or learning, more things. Frequently it is treated as an end itself, and then the goal becomes to heap it up and display it when called for. This static, cold-storage ideal of knowledge is inimical to educative development. It not only lets occasions for thinking go unused, but it swamps thinking. No one could construct a house on ground cluttered with miscellaneous junk. Pupils who have stored their "minds" with all kinds of material which they have never put to intellectual uses are sure to be hampered when they try to think. They have no practice in selecting what is appropriate, and no criterion to go by; everything is on the same dead static level. (p. 152)
■ 他方で、学習者が問題解決の経験のために使える情報が学校にふんだんにあるとは言い難い。
On the other hand, it is quite open to question whether, if information actually functioned in experience through use in application to the student's own purposes, there would not be need of more varied resources in books, pictures, and talks than are usually at command. (p. 152)
■ III: 思考にはデータが必要だが、他方でアイデア(思いつき)が必要。既知のデータに加えて、未知への推論があってはじめて思考と言える。
III. The correlate in thinking of facts, data, knowledge already acquired, is suggestions, inferences, conjectured meanings, suppositions, tentative explanations: -- ideas, in short. Careful observation and recollection determine what is given, what is already there, and hence assured. They cannot furnish what is lacking. They define, clarify, and locate the question; they cannot supply its answer. Projection, invention, ingenuity, devising come in for that purpose. The data arouse suggestions, and only by reference to the specific data can we pass upon the appropriateness of the suggestions. But the suggestions run beyond what is, as yet, actually given in experience. They forecast possible results, things to do, not facts (things already done). Inference is always an invasion of the unknown, a leap from the known. (p. 152)
■ この意味で、考え(=物事が示唆しているが明示しているわけではないもの)は、創造的である。考えとは、新たなものへの侵入であり、独創を伴うものである。
In this sense, a thought (what a thing suggests but is not as it is presented) is creative,-- an incursion into the novel. It involves some inventiveness.
⇒"A thought"には不定冠詞がついているので「考え」と訳したが、この語は"an idea"と同意語だと考えられる。
■ ニュートンが重力の法則を考えた時に、彼は他の人が手にしていない新しいデータをもっていたわけではなかった。
When Newton thought of his theory of gravitation, the creative aspect of his thought was not found in its materials. They were familiar; many of them commonplaces -- sun, moon, planets, weight, distance, mass, square of numbers. These were not original ideas; they were established facts. His originality lay in the
use to which these familiar acquaintances were put by introduction into an unfamiliar context. (p. 153)
■ 他の科学的発見も同じで、既知の事柄を、これまで誰も試したことがないやり方で考えるのが科学的発見につながる。
The same is true of every striking scientific discovery, every great invention, every admirable artistic production. Only silly folk identify creative originality with the extraordinary and fanciful; others recognize that its measure lies in putting everyday things to uses which had not occurred to others. The operation is novel, not the materials out of which it is constructed. (p. 153)
■ ここから生じる教育的な結論というのは、すべての思考は、これまで理解されていなかったことを新たな状況に投射するという点で、独創的であるということである。仮に、周りの者が既にその考えを知っていたとしても、考えている本人にとって、思考とは発見であり創造である。
The educational conclusion which follows is that all thinking is original in a projection of considerations which have not been previously apprehended. The child of three who discovers what can be done with blocks, or of six who finds out what he can make by putting five cents and five cents together, is really a discoverer, even though everybody else in the world knows it. There is a genuine increment of experience; not another item mechanically added on, but enrichment by a new quality. The charm which the spontaneity of little children has for sympathetic observers is due to perception of this intellectual originality. The joy which children themselves experience is the joy of intellectual constructiveness -- of creativeness, if the word may be used without misunderstanding. (p. 153)
■ 思考とは、物のように人から人へと移送できるものではない。
It is that no thought, no idea, can possibly be conveyed as an idea from one person to another. When it is told, it is, to the one to whom it is told, another given fact, not an idea. (p. 153)
⇒別の言い方を大胆に導入するなら、思考・考えること・思いつくことは、知性の作動 (operation) であり、知性にとっての対象物 (object) ではない。
■ コミュニケーションは人に思考を促進することも抑圧することもできるが、人に思考を直接与えることはできない。
The communication may stimulate the other person to realize the question for himself and to think out a like idea, or it may smother his intellectual interest and suppress his dawning effort at thought. But what he directly gets cannot be an idea. Only by wrestling with the conditions of the problem at first hand, seeking and finding his own way out, does he think. When the parent or teacher has provided the conditions which stimulate thinking and has taken a sympathetic attitude toward the activities of the learner by entering into a common or conjoint experience, all has been done which a second party can do to instigate learning. (pp. 153-154)
■ 教師は子どもを観察し、子どもの事実に即して考え、教師として子どもから学ばなければならない。
The rest lies with the one directly concerned. If he cannot devise his own solution (not of course in isolation, but in correspondence with the teacher and other pupils) and find his own way out he will not learn, not even if he can recite some correct answer with one hundred per cent accuracy. We can and do supply ready-made "ideas" by the thousand; we do not usually take much pains to see that the one learning engages in significant situations where his own activities generate, support, and clinch ideas -- that is, perceived meanings or connections. This does not mean that the teacher is to stand off and look on; the alternative to furnishing ready-made subject matter and listening to the accuracy with which it is reproduced is not quiescence, but participation, sharing, in an activity. In such shared activity, the teacher is a learner, and the learner is, without knowing it, a teacher -- and upon the whole, the less consciousness there is, on either side, of either giving or receiving instruction, the better. (p. 154)
残りは、問題に直接関わっている学習者がすることだ。学習者が自分自身の解決法を生み出せず(といっても学習者は一人だけで解決法を生み出すのではなく、教師や他の学習者とのやり取りの中で生み出す)自分なりのやり方を見いだせなかったら、たとえ、学習者がある正答を100%の正確さで再生できても、学びは成立していない。私たちは何千もの既成の「アイデア」を子どもに与えることができるし、実際に与えてもいる。私たちは普通、意味ある状況で学びが成立しており、学習者自身の活動がアイデア ―つまりは知覚された意味やつながり― を生み出し、維持し、確かなものにしているかを苦労して見守ろうとしない。だからといって、教師は離れて立って傍観していればいいということではない。既成の教科内容を与えそれが再生される正確さをチェックすることの代わりにやることとは、不作為ではなく、活動への参加であり活動の共有である。共有された活動において、教師は学習者であり、学習者は、自分では気づかないが、教師である ― 概して言うなら、教師と学習者のどちらの側にも教示を与えているとか受けているとかいった意識がなければないほど、よい。
■ IV: アイデアとは、解決の予期であり、活動とその結果の予期である。アイデアに基づいて行動してみてアイデアは真価が試される。アイデアによって観察・想起・実験が導かれる。アイデアとは学びの中間点であり到達点である。
IV. Ideas, as we have seen, whether they be humble guesses or dignified theories, are anticipations of possible solutions. They are anticipations of some continuity or connection of an activity and a consequence which has not as yet shown itself. They are therefore tested by the operation of acting upon them. They are to guide and organize further observations, recollections, and experiments. They are intermediate in learning, not final. (p. 154)
■ 思考とは未完成で暫定的な示唆であり、今経験している状況に対応するための一つの立場・方法に過ぎない。思考は、実際の状況で試されてはじめて意味とリアリティをもつ。
As we have already seen, thoughts just as thoughts are incomplete. At best they are tentative; they are suggestions, indications. They are standpoints and methods for dealing with situations of experience. Till they are applied in these situations they lack full point and reality. Only application tests them, and only testing confers full meaning and a sense of their reality. (p. 150)
これはすごい。どうして日頃接していない高校生の実態に即した授業を展開することができるんだろう。この観察力と行動と結びついた思考力! ― もう、脱毛。・・・じゃなかった、脱帽(笑)。
■ 学校の教科内容には、それ特有の奇妙で人工的な「リアリティ」がまとわりついている。実生活で感じるようなリアリティではないが、暗記して試験問題を解かなくてはならないというリアリティを生徒は覚える。かといってこの学校的リアリティで、日常生活が豊かになるわけではない。それどころか、中途半端な理解のままに知識内容を扱うことに慣れてしまうと、生徒の考える力が弱まってしまう。
there can be no doubt that a peculiar artificiality attaches to much of what is learned in schools. It can hardly be said that many students consciously think of the subject matter as unreal; but it assuredly does not possess for them the kind of reality which the subject matter of their vital experiences possesses. They learn not to expect that sort of reality of it; they become habituated to treating it as having reality for the purposes of recitations, lessons, and examinations. That it should remain inert for the experiences of daily life is more or less a matter of course. The bad effects are twofold. Ordinary experience does not receive the enrichment which it should; it is not fertilized by school learning. And the attitudes which spring from getting used to and accepting half-understood and ill-digested material weaken vigor and efficiency of thought. (p. 155)
⇒繰り返すが、どうして100年も前に言われているこういった批判が、現代にも当てはまるのだろう(いや現代にこそますます当てはまっている、と言うべきだろうか)。教育学・教師教育・教員養成は、この100年間何をしていたのだろう?決してサボっていたわけではないだろう(少なくとも形式的には研究紀要論文は昔よりはるかに量産されている)。となれば、現代の私たちが「教育学・教師教育・教員養成」と思い込んでいる枠組みに、どこか根本的な誤りがあるのではないか(そして前にも述べたように、学校教育システム ―おそらくは試験制度― に根本的な歪みがあるのではないか)。
■ 教室での教示の三類型
Classroom instruction falls into three kinds. (p. 157)
■ 一番悪いのが、授業が、その科目の前後の授業とも、他の科目の授業ともつながりがないように進められるタイプの授業。
The least desirable treats each lesson as an independent whole. It does not put upon the student the responsibility of finding points of contact between it and other lessons in the same subject, or other subjects of study.
■ 少しマシなのは、授業の前後のつながりはわかるが、授業が学校教科としてしか認識されておらず、学習者の実生活に結びついておらず、学校教育を受けることで学習者が実生活を豊かに生きることまでは至っていない。
Wiser teachers see to it that the student is systematically led to utilize his earlier lessons to help understand the present one, and also to use the present to throw additional light upon what has already been acquired. Results are better, but school subject matter is still isolated. Save by accident, out-of-school experience is left in its crude and comparatively irreflective state. It is not subject to the refining and expanding influences of the more accurate and comprehensive material of direct instruction. The latter is not motivated and impregnated with a sense of reality by being intermingled with the realities of everyday life. (p. 157)
■ もっともよい授業は、学校教科と実生活の結びつきに影響を与え、学習者が常に両者に共通する点を探そうとするようになる授業。
The best type of teaching bears in mind the desirability of affecting this interconnection. It puts the student in the habitual attitude of finding points of contact and mutual bearings. (p. 157)
要約 (Summmary)
Processes of instruction are unified in the degree in which they center in the production of good habits of thinking. While we may speak, without error, of the method of thought, the important thing is that thinking is the method of an educative experience. The essentials of method are therefore identical with the essentials of reflection. They are first that the pupil have a genuine situation of experience -- that there be a continuous activity in which he is interested for its own sake; secondly, that a genuine problem develop within this situation as a stimulus to thought; third, that he possess the information and make the observations needed to deal with it; fourth, that suggested solutions occur to him which he shall be responsible for developing in an orderly way; fifth, that he have opportunity and occasion to test his ideas by application, to make their meaning clear and to discover for himself their validity. (p. 157)
考えることが教育的経験 (educative experience) の方法であり、その本質は振り返り (reflection) と同じ。学習者は、(1) ある状況の中で純粋に興味のある活動を行う。 (2) 問題が生じ思考が刺激される。(3) 情報を集め観察をする。(4) 考えが浮かび、それを試してみようと思う。(5) 実際に自分の考えが意味あり妥当なものだったかを試す。