[ この記事は、デューイ『民主主義と教育』(John. Dewey (1916) Democracy and Education. を読む授業のためのものです。目次ページはhttp://yanaseyosuke.blogspot.jp/2013/09/john-dewey-1916-democracy-and-education.htmlです。]
なお、以下でつけられたページ番号は、Dover editionのページ番号です。また、Project Gutenbergにはイタリックやボールドなどの強調が抜けていますので、それらは適宜Dover editionから補いました。
■印は、続く引用文の要約で、⇒印は私のコメントです。 下のスライドは、私にとって印象的だったデューイのことばです。
第11章: 経験と思考
Chapter Eleven: Experience and Thinking
1. 経験の性質 (The Nature of Experience)
■ 経験には能動的 (active) な要素(試みること trying)と受動的 (passive) な要素(受け入れること undergoing)がある。
The nature of experience can be understood only by noting that it includes an active and a passive element peculiarly combined. On the active hand, experience is trying -- a meaning which is made explicit in the connected term experiment. On the passive, it is undergoing. When we experience something we act upon it, we do something with it; then we suffer or undergo the consequences. We do something to the thing and then it does something to us in return: such is the peculiar combination. (p. 133)
⇒デューイは、経験の性質を、能動的な「試み」 (to try) と受動的な「受け入れ」(to undergo)の「奇妙な組み合わせ」として捉える。
■ 単なる活動は経験ではない。何かを試み、その結果を受け入れて、意義が生まれる時に経験が成立し、経験が成立することで私達は学ぶ。
Mere activity does not constitute experience. It is dispersive, centrifugal, dissipating. Experience as trying involves change, but change is meaningless transition unless it is consciously connected with the return wave of consequences which flow from it. When an activity is continued into the undergoing of consequences, when the change made by action is reflected back into a change made in us, the mere flux is loaded with significance. We learn something. (pp. 133-134)
■ 経験から学ぶとは、私たちの行為と結果の関係を世界から学ぶこと。
To "learn from experience" is to make a backward and forward connection between what we do to things and what we enjoy or suffer from things in consequence. Under such conditions, doing becomes a trying; an experiment with the world to find out what it is like; the undergoing becomes instruction -- discovery of the connection of things. (p. 134)
■ 教育に関連する大切なこと。(1)経験とは第一に、能動的かつ受動的な事柄、(2)経験の価値は、その経験が何と関係し何とつながるかによって決まる。
Two conclusions important for education follow. (1) Experience is primarily an active-passive affair; it is not primarily cognitive. But (2) the measure of the value of an experience lies in the perception of relationships or continuities to which it leads up. (p. 134)
■ しばしば教示 (instruction) とは、理論的な傍観者である「心」に対して行われるものだと思われている。
In schools, those under instruction are too customarily looked upon as acquiring knowledge as theoretical spectators, minds which appropriate knowledge by direct energy of intellect. (p. 134)
Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisitionや
The Social Turn in Second Language Acquisitionなどの議論でも頻出する語で、「借用」や「占有」などとも訳されているが、先日から私はこれは「換骨奪胎」と訳してしまった方がいいのではないかと思い始めたので、ここではその訳語を使っている。(しばらくこの訳語を使い続けて、その翻訳的適性を検討したい)
■ 学校現場では、しばしば心や意識は、心身二元論的に物理的な世界や行為から切り離されている。
Something which is called mind or consciousness is severed from the physical organs of activity. The former is then thought to be purely intellectual and cognitive; the latter to be an irrelevant and intruding physical factor. The intimate union of activity and undergoing its consequences which leads to recognition of meaning is broken; instead we have two fragments: mere bodily action on one side, and meaning directly grasped by "spiritual" activity on the other. (pp. 134-135)
■ 心身二元論 (dualism of mind and body) の害悪は強調してもしすぎることはない。
It would be impossible to state adequately the evil results which have flowed from this dualism of mind and body, much less to exaggerate them. Some of the more striking effects, may, however, be enumerated. (p. 135)
■ 心身二元論の害悪(a): 身体的活動が心的活動の邪魔者だと思われるようになる
(a) In part bodily activity becomes an intruder. Having nothing, so it is thought, to do with mental activity, it becomes a distraction, an evil to be contended with. (p. 135)
The nervous strain and fatigue which result with both teacher and pupil are a necessary consequence of the abnormality of the situation in which bodily activity is divorced from the perception of meaning. Callous indifference and explosions from strain alternate. The neglected body, having no organized fruitful channels of activity, breaks forth, without knowing why or how, into meaningless boisterousness, or settles into equally meaningless fooling -- both very different from the normal play of children. Physically active children become restless and unruly; the more quiescent, so-called conscientious ones spend what energy they have in the negative task of keeping their instincts and active tendencies suppressed, instead of in a positive one of constructive planning and execution; they are thus educated not into responsibility for the significant and graceful use of bodily powers, but into an enforced duty not to give them free play. (pp. 135-136)
■ 心身二元論の害悪(b): 授業でも身体的活動が必要だということがわからなくなってしまう。
(b) Even, however, with respect to the lessons which have to be learned by the application of "mind," some bodily activities have to be used. (p. 136)
■ 学ぶためには、感覚器官の使い方も覚えなければならない。
The obvious result is a mechanical use of the bodily activities which (in spite of the generally obtrusive and interfering character of the body in mental action) have to be employed more or less. For the senses and muscles are used not as organic participants in having an instructive experience, but as external inlets and outlets of mind. Before the child goes to school, he learns with his hand, eye, and ear, because they are organs of the process of doing something from which meaning results. The boy flying a kite has to keep his eye on the kite, and has to note the various pressures of the string on his hand. His senses are avenues of knowledge not because external facts are somehow "conveyed" to the brain, but because they are used in doing something with a purpose. The qualities of seen and touched things have a bearing on what is done, and are alertly perceived; they have a meaning. (p. 136)
■ 心や意味と分離されて訓練され自動化された身体に、心や意味を付け加えることは困難。
But when pupils are expected to use their eyes to note the form of words, irrespective of their meaning, in order to reproduce them in spelling or reading, the resulting training is simply of isolated sense organs and muscles. It is such isolation of an act from a purpose which makes it mechanical. It is customary for teachers to urge children to read with expression, so as to bring out the meaning. But if they originally learned the sensory-motor technique of reading -- the ability to identify forms and to reproduce the sounds they stand for -- by methods which did not call for attention to meaning, a mechanical habit was established which makes it difficult to read subsequently with intelligence. The vocal organs have been trained to go their own way automatically in isolation; and meaning cannot be tied on at will. Drawing, singing, and writing may be taught in the same mechanical way; for, we repeat, any way is mechanical which narrows down the bodily activity so that a separation of body from mind -- that is, from recognition of meaning -- is set up. Mathematics, even in its higher branches, when undue emphasis is put upon the technique of calculation, and science, when laboratory exercises are given for their own sake, suffer from the same evil. (pp. 136-137)
また別の授業では、マーチン・ルーサー・キングのあの有名な"I have a dream"の演説を、フレーズごとにぶつ切りして、リピートさせる授業があったが、もうこれは見ていてやるせなかった(直後にコメントする機会が与えられたので、さすがに「お願いだからそんな授業はやめてくれ。せっかくの演説を、どうしてそんなにズタズタにしてしまうのだ」、と私は言った。
どうも現代の日本の英語教育は、機械的な自動化を「トレーニング」と称して、ありがたり過ぎていないか。大修館書店の『英語教育 増刊号』の
近江誠先生の古い著作は、まだ中古市場で出ている
■ 心身二元論の害悪(c): 知覚や観念と、判断や思考を分離したものとして考えてしまう。
(c) On the intellectual side, the separation of "mind" from direct occupation with things throws emphasis on things at the expense of relations or connections. It is altogether too common to separate perceptions and even ideas from judgments. The latter are thought to come after the former in order to compare them. It is alleged that the mind perceives things apart from relations; that it forms ideas of them in isolation from their connections -- with what goes before and comes after. Then judgment or thought is called upon to combine the separated items of "knowledge" so that their resemblance or causal connection shall be brought out. As matter of fact, every perception and every idea is a sense of the bearings, use, and cause, of a thing. We do not really know a chair or have an idea of it by inventorying and enumerating its various isolated qualities, but only by bringing these qualities into connection with something else -- the purpose which makes it a chair and not a table; or its difference from the kind of chair we are accustomed to, or the "period" which it represents, and so on. (p. 137)
(c) 知的な面でいえば、「心」を物との直接的な関わりから分離してしまうと、物事の関係やつながりを無視して物だけを強調してしまうようになる。知覚ばかりか観念でさえも判断から切り離してしまうことは、あまりにもよく見られることである。判断は、知覚や観念の後に行われるものであり、知覚や観念を比べるものだと考えられている。心は関係性を抜きにして物を知覚するのだと主張されている。心は物が、その前後で何とつながっているかということとは無関係に物の観念を形成するとされている。物の類似性や因果的つながりを明らかにするために、切り離された「知識」の項目を組み合わせるために判断や思考が要求されるとされる。だが、実際のところは、どんな感覚もどんな観念も、物の中味・使用・因果を感知することなのだ。私たちが椅子を知り、その観念を得るのは、椅子の切り離されたさまざまな性質を一覧表に並べて残らず数え上げるからではない。椅子を知るのは、椅子の性質を他のこととつなげることによってである。つまり、ある椅子を椅子として使いテーブルとしては使わないという目的、もしくはその椅子がよく見る他の椅子とは異なっているという違い、さらにはその椅子が「どの時期」の椅子かということなどなどの事柄を、椅子の性質と結びつけることによって、私たちは椅子を知るのだ。
■ 単語リストで覚える「意味」は、いわば半死状態の意味(
『スルメを見てイカがわかるか! 』
Words, the counters for ideas, are, however, easily taken for ideas. And in just the degree in which mental activity is separated from active concern with the world, from doing something and connecting the doing with what is undergone, words, symbols, come to take the place of ideas. The substitution is the more subtle because
some meaning is recognized. But we are very easily trained to be content with a minimum of meaning, and to fail to note how restricted is our perception of the relations which confer significance. We get so thoroughly used to a kind of pseudo-idea, a half perception, that we are not aware how half-dead our mental action is, and how much keener and more extensive our observations and ideas would be if we formed them under conditions of a vital experience which required us to use judgment: to hunt for the connections of the thing dealt with. (p. 138)
■ 物事と人々の間の関係性を理解することが大切だということでは皆の意見は一致しているが、関係性の理解のために経験が必要なのかどうかというところでは意見が分かれる。
There is no difference of opinion as to the theory of the matter. All authorities agree that that discernment of relationships is the genuinely intellectual matter; hence, the educative matter. The failure arises in supposing that relationships can become perceptible without
experience -- without that conjoint trying and undergoing of which we have spoken. It is assumed that "mind" can grasp them if it will only give attention, and that this attention may be given at will irrespective of the situation. (p. 138)
■ まさに「観念的」なだけで半死・未消化状態の「知識」
Hence the deluge of half-observations, of verbal ideas, and unassimilated "knowledge" which afflicts the world. An ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory simply because it is only in experience that any theory has vital and verifiable significance. An experience, a very humble experience, is capable of generating and carrying any amount of theory (or intellectual content), but a theory apart from an experience cannot be definitely grasped even as theory. It tends to become a mere verbal formula, a set of catchwords used to render thinking, or genuine theorizing, unnecessary and impossible. Because of our education we use words, thinking they are ideas, to dispose of questions, the disposal being in reality simply such an obscuring of perception as prevents us from seeing any longer the difficulty. (pp. 138-139)
かくして中途半端な観察、ことばの上だけでの観念 ―世界を悩ませるだけの未消化の「知識」― という幻想が生まれる。わずかの経験の方が、たくさんの理論よりも有益なのは、理論が生き生きとして検証可能な意義をもてるようになるのは、経験においてのみだからである。経験は、たとえわずかなりのものでも、理論(もしくは知的内容)をいくらでも生み出し、保ちつづけることができる。だが、経験から切り離された理論は、確固たる理論として認識されることすらもない。思考や純粋な理論構築を、不要かつ不可能にするために使われる、単なることばの上での公式、流行語の寄せ集めにしてしまう。私たちは教育を受けることによって単語を使うようになり、単語こそが観念だと考え、単語を問題解決のために用いるが、その場合の問題解決は、実際には、私たちが困っていることから私たちの目を逸らしてしまうような、知覚のごまかしにすぎない。
⇒「思考や純粋な理論構築を、不要かつ不可能にするために使われる、単なることばの上での公式、流行語の寄せ集め」(a mere verbal formula, a set of catchwords used to render thinking, or genuine theorizing, unnecessary and impossible)というのは、日本の英語教育界、いや日本の言論界には多く存在しているのではないだろうか(私はそのように思えることばが乱発される空間にいると、退屈を通り越して怒りや悲しみを覚えてしまう ←自分のことを棚に上げての発言を繰り返すんじゃねぇ!)
2. 経験の中での振り返り(Reflection in Experience)
■ 思考や振り返りは、私たちが試みてみることとその結果との間の関係を理解することである。思考の要素抜きに意味ある経験がなされることはない。
Thought or reflection, as we have already seen virtually if not explicitly, is the discernment of the relation between what we try to do and what happens in consequence. No experience having a meaning is possible without some element of thought. (p. 139)
■ 経験は、振り返りがどのくらい含まれるかで、二種類に分けることができる。振り返りがあまり含まれないのは「試行錯誤」タイプである。
But we may contrast two types of experience according to the proportion of reflection found in them. All our experiences have a phase of "cut and try" in them -- what psychologists call the method of trial and error. We simply do something, and when it fails, we do something else, and keep on trying till we hit upon something which works, and then we adopt that method as a rule of thumb measure in subsequent procedure. Some experiences have very little else in them than this hit and miss or succeed process. We see that a certain way of acting and a certain consequence are connected, but we do not see how they are. We do not see the details of the connection; the links are missing. Our discernment is very gross. (p. 139)
■ もう一つのタイプの経験は、よく観察・分析をし、原因と結果、活動と帰結の関係をよくよく理解することにより、より正確で広範囲な見通しを得る経験。
In other cases we push our observation farther. We analyze to see just what lies between so as to bind together cause and effect, activity and consequence. This extension of our insight makes foresight more accurate and comprehensive. The action which rests simply upon the trial and error method is at the mercy of circumstances; they may change so that the act performed does not operate in the way it was expected to. But if we know in detail upon what the result depends, we can look to see whether the required conditions are there. The method extends our practical control. For if some of the conditions are missing, we may, if we know what the needed antecedents for an effect are, set to work to supply them; or, if they are such as to produce undesirable effects as well, we may eliminate some of the superfluous causes and economize effort. (p. 139)
■ 単なる試行錯誤の経験も、行いとその結果の結びつきを詳細に知ることにより、思考量は増え、経験の質も変わる。この種の経験を、振り返りの最上例と呼ぶこともできるだろう。
In discovery of the detailed connections of our activities and what happens in consequence, the thought implied in cut and try experience is made explicit. Its quantity increases so that its proportionate value is very different. Hence the quality of the experience changes; the change is so significant that we may call this type of experience reflective -- that is, reflective
par excellence. (p. 139)
■ 振り返りにおける思考を涵養することにより、思考は独自の経験になる。
The deliberate cultivation of this phase of thought constitutes thinking as a distinctive experience. Thinking, in other words, is the intentional endeavor to discover
specific connections between something which we do and the consequences which result, so that the two become continuous. Their isolation, and consequently their purely arbitrary going together, is canceled; a unified developing situation takes its place. The occurrence is now understood; it is explained; it is reasonable, as we say, that the thing should happen as it does. (p. 140)
この段階の思考 [この部分は、前に引用した部分に続いている] を意図的に涵養することで思考は独自の経験となる。思考とは、言い換えるなら、私たちの行為ととその結果の間に
■ 経験における思考により、到達点やねらいを定めることができる。
Thinking is thus equivalent to an explicit rendering of the intelligent element in our experience. It makes it possible to act with an end in view. It is the condition of our having aims. (p. 140)
⇒しかしながら、現状では、本人の思考抜きに、到達目標 (end) が外から与えられることが多いのはご承知の通り。
■ 予期、判断、選択、関係の理解といった過程が子どもから大人まで共通している。
As soon as an infant begins to
expect he begins to use something which is now going on as a sign of something to follow; he is, in however simple a fashion, judging. For he takes one thing as evidence of something else, and so recognizes a relationship. Any future development, however elaborate it may be, is only an extending and a refining of this simple act of inference. All that the wisest man can do is to observe what is going on more widely and more minutely and then select more carefully from what is noted just those factors which point to something to happen. (p. 140)
■ 思慮深い行為の反対の極にあるのが、惰性的行動や気まぐれの行動。
The opposites, once more, to thoughtful action are routine and capricious behavior. The former accepts what has been customary as a full measure of possibility and omits to take into account the connections of the particular things done. The latter makes the momentary act a measure of value, and ignores the connections of our personal action with the energies of the environment. It says, virtually, "things are to be just as I happen to like them at this instant," as routine says in effect "let things continue just as I have found them in the past." Both refuse to acknowledge responsibility for the future consequences which flow from present action. Reflection is the acceptance of such responsibility. (p. 140)
⇒「振り返りとは、現在の行動から生じる未来の結果への責任を受け入れること」という表現からは、「振り返り」 (reflection) が、過去だけでなく未来も志向していることがうかがえる。この意味では、reflectionの訳語は「省察」の方がいいのかもしれない。
■ 思考は、未だ完全な形を示してはいない現状の観察から何がどのように起こるかを予期することから始まる。
The starting point of any process of thinking is something going on, something which just as it stands is incomplete or unfulfilled. Its point, its meaning lies literally in what it is going to be, in how it is going to turn out. (p. 140)
■ 単なる情報通は、考えているわけではない。
think upon the news as it comes to us is to attempt to see what is indicated as probable or possible regarding an outcome. To fill our heads, like a scrapbook, with this and that item as a finished and done-for thing, is not to think. It is to turn ourselves into a piece of registering apparatus. To consider the
bearing of the occurrence upon what may be, but is not yet, is to think. (p. 141)
■ 思考は現在進行中の不完全な状況に即してなされるものであり、その目的はとりあえずの結論を出すことである。
To say that thinking occurs with reference to situations which are still going on, and incomplete, is to say that thinking occurs when things are uncertain or doubtful or problematic. Only what is finished, completed, is wholly assured. Where there is reflection there is suspense. The object of thinking is to help
reach a conclusion, to project a possible termination on the basis of what is already given. (p. 142)
■ 「知らないのなら、答えが出てもそれが答えだとわからないはずだし、答えがわかるのなら、最初から知っていたはずだ」というジレンマは、思考が仮説的 (hypothetical) で、とりあえずの (tentative) 結論に関わることであるということを考慮していないことから生じている。
The Greeks acutely raised the question: How can we learn? For either we know already what we are after, or else we do not know. In neither case is learning possible; on the first alternative because we know already; on the second, because we do not know what to look for, nor if, by chance, we find it can we tell that it is what we were after. The dilemma makes no provision for coming to know, for learning; it assumes either complete knowledge or complete ignorance. Nevertheless the twilight zone of inquiry, of thinking, exists. The possibility of
hypothetical conclusions, of
tentative results, is the fact which the Greek dilemma overlooked. (pp. 142-143)
■ 振り返りの経験についてのまとめ
So much for the general features of a reflective experience. They are
(i) perplexity, confusion, doubt, due to the fact that one is implicated in an incomplete situation whose full character is not yet determined;
(ii) a conjectural anticipation -- a tentative interpretation of the given elements, attributing to them a tendency to effect certain consequences;
(iii) a careful survey (examination, inspection, exploration, analysis) of all attainable consideration which will define and clarify the problem in hand;
(iv) a consequent elaboration of the tentative hypothesis to make it more precise and more consistent, because squaring with a wider range of facts;
(v) taking one stand upon the projected hypothesis as a plan of action which is applied to the existing state of affairs: doing something overtly to bring about the anticipated result, and thereby testing the hypothesis. (pp. 144-145)
(i) 振り返りにおいては、すべての特徴がまだ定まっていない不完全な状況に巻き込まれているという事実から生じる、困惑・混乱・疑いがある。
(ii) 憶測的に予測する --既知の要素をとりあえず解釈し、それらがある種の帰結を生じさせる傾向にあるのではないかと想定する。
(iii) 手元にある問題を規定し解明するために入手できる限りのことを調査(検討・検査・探究・分析)する。
(iv) より広範囲の事実と適合させるために、とりあえずの仮説をより正確かつより整合的にする。
(v) 想定している仮説の上に一つの立場を定め、現状の事柄に適用すべき行動計画とする。予測される結果をもたらすために何も隠さず行動し、仮説を検証する。
(i') そもそも不完全で困惑・混乱・疑いに充ちたものである。
(ii') 現状に基づいてとりあえず未来を予測することである。
(iii') しかし、できるだけの調査・検討・検査・探究・分析を行う。
(iv') 立てた仮説に基づき行動計画とする。
(v') 行動して公明正大に仮説を検証する。
そもそも「アクション・リサーチ」と呼ばれているものには様々なものがあるので、以下は私なりの観察による考えに過ぎないが、日本の英語教育界での「アクション・リサーチ」は、そもそも(i') の不完全性と (ii')試行性のに関する洞察が薄く、いたずらに仮説の正しさと一般化可能性 ―言い換えるなら、仮説と行動の完全さと汎用性― を追求していないだろうか。他方、仮説がどこからか学術書での流行語や教育行政の方針、あるいは自らの思いつきから降りてきて思考の範囲を狭めてしまい、(iii') の具体的観察が不十分ではないだろうか。(皆さんの意見を歓迎します)。
要約 (Summary)
In determining the place of thinking in experience we first
noted that experience involves a connection of doing or trying with something which is undergone in consequence. A separation of the active doing phase from the passive undergoing phase destroys the vital meaning of an experience. Thinking is the accurate and deliberate instituting of connections between what is done and its consequences. It notes not only that they are connected, but the details of the connection. It makes connecting links explicit in the form of relationships. The stimulus to thinking is found when we wish to determine the significance of some act, performed or to be performed. Then we anticipate consequences. This implies that the situation as it stands is, either in fact or to us, incomplete and hence indeterminate. The projection of consequences means a proposed or tentative solution. To perfect this hypothesis, existing conditions have to be carefully scrutinized and the implications of the hypothesis developed?an operation called reasoning. Then the suggested solution -- the idea or theory -- has to be tested by acting upon it. If it brings about certain consequences, certain determinate changes, in the world, it is accepted as valid. Otherwise it is modified, and another trial made. Thinking includes all of these steps,-- the sense of a problem, the observation of conditions, the formation and rational elaboration of a suggested conclusion, and the active experimental testing. While all thinking results in knowledge, ultimately the value of knowledge is subordinate to its use in thinking. For we live not in a settled and finished world, but in one which is going on, and where our main task is prospective, and where retrospect -- and all knowledge as distinct from thought is retrospect -- is of value in the solidity, security, and fertility it affords our dealings with the future. (pp. 145-146)
⇒最後の2文(While all thinking ...)は特に重要だと思うので、翻訳。
すべての思考は知識に至るが、知識の究極の価値は、それが思考に使われるかどうかにかかっている。というのも、私たちが住んでいる世界は定まり完成された世界ではなく、現在進行形の世界であり、そこでの私たちの主な課題は未来に向かうことであるからである。もちろん私たちが過去に向くこともある --そもそも知識を思考とは異なるものとして理解するならば、すべての知識は過去に向いている--が、そのことに価値があるのは、知識が提供してくれる堅実性・確実性・生産性が未来に対応するために役立つからである。