未だ現実の試練をあまりくぐり抜けていない人間の過大評価は慎むべきですが、The New York Review of Booksに続いて(下の旧ブログ記事(1)参照)、The New Yorker, May 7, 2007. pp. 46-87もBarack Obama氏についての好意的な記事を掲載しました。Staff writerのLarissa MacFarquharによるThe Conciliatorという記事です。
He tends to underplay his knowledge, acting less informed than he is. He rarely accuses, preferring to talk about problems in the passive voice, as things that are amiss with us rather than as wrongs that have been perpetrated by them.. ... He comments in a neutral, detached way. He doesn’t express sympathy for sickness, or scorn for bureaucracy, or outrage at unfairness. He says that the system is broken and needs to be fixed, but conveys no particular urgency. (p. 49)
このようにクールな態度こそはが ‘professional’ ではないかと述べた後で、著者は、いや、 ‘medical’という比喩の方がふさわしいのではないかと述べます。
No, Obama’s detachment, his calm, in such small venues, is less professional than medical – like that of a doctor who, by listening to a patient’s story without emotional reaction, reassures the patient that the symptoms are familiar to him. It is also doctorly in the sense that Obama thinks about the body politic as a whole thing. If you are presenting a problem as something that they have perpetrated on us, then whipping up outrage is natural enough; but if you take unity seriously, as Obama does, then outrage does not make sense, any more than it would make sense for a doctor to express outrage that a patient’s kidney is causing pain in his back. (p. 49)
Innocence, freedom, individualism, mobility – the belief that you can leave a constricting or violent history behind and remake yourself in a new form of your choosing – all are part of the American dream of moving west, first from the old country to America, then from the crowded cities of the East Coast to the open central plains and on to the Pacific. But this dream, to Obama, seems credulous and shallow, a destructive craving for weightlessness. (p. 51)
In his view of history, in his respect for tradition, in his skepticism that the world can be changed any way but very, very slowly, Obama is deeply conservative. (p. 52).
“I’m a Democrat. I’m considered a progressive Democrat. But if a Republican or a Conservative or a libertarian or a free-marketer has a better idea, I am happy to steal ideas from anybody and in that sense I’m agnostic.” (p. 53)
ここにおいても私はとても深く同意します。自らがagnosticであることを深く自覚することが、「保守」であることの大切な資質の一つであると思います。自らの信条を大声で喧伝する自称「保守」には、私は常に抵抗を感じています。(ちなみに洋の東西を問わず自らをatheist/atheisticと語る人は現代では多いのですが、それはagnosticの間違いではないでしょうか。神の不在をあなたはどうやって「証明」するのでしょう(不在の証明は、存在の証明よりも一般に、はるかに困難なものです)。私は、神の存在について私はagnosticであると自覚した上で神の存在を信じて生きることを決めた ‘believer’です。自称atheistは、しばしば ‘believer’を軽蔑しますが、agnosticであるにもかかわらずatheistを僭称する彼/彼女らこそは、「神はいない」と信じたいだけの ‘believer’ではないでしょうか)。さらに脱線を重ねますとObama氏も成人後に神を信仰するようになっているそうです。
Even when he was very young, Obama was scornful of, as he puts it, “people who preferred the dream to the reality, impotence to compromise.” (p. 54)
“The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right.” (p. 54)
“I don’t want to make claims as if I had been in a position to articulate a clear position on it.” (p. 55)
Barack Obama
The Phenomenon by Michael Tomasky
Barack Obamaという今人気の政治家はレトリックに長けるようです。
There's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and a white America and a Latino America and an Asian America.
NYR November 30, 2006. p. 14
I believe it is in the interest of both Americans and Iraqis to begin a phased withdrawal of US troops by the end of 2006, although how quickly a complete withdrawal can be accomplished is a matter of imperfect judgment, based on a series of best guesses.
NYR November 30, 2006. p. 16
"A matter of imperfect judgment, based on a series of best guesses"なんて覚えておきたい表現ですよね。ここを見誤ると大変なことになりますから。自他を制するこのような台詞は重要です。
He really is not a political warrior by temperament. He is not even, as the word is commonly understood, a liberal. He is in many respects a civic republican -- a believer in civic virture, and in the possibility of good outcomes negotiated in good faith.
NYR November 30, 2006. p. 17
私という人間を形容する言葉は何だろう、と思っていたら"liberal conservative"という言葉が浮かんできました。(けっこう暇だね、私も)